Data Quality: An Overview of the Data Quality and Completeness Reports for AKHMIS v2023

Report period = The period of time between the Report Start Date and Report End Date (chosen in the “Prompts” when a report is run)

Active client = Client with an enrollment open in selected project(s) during the specified report period

NBN ES = Night-By-night Emergency Shelter

Report Title

Answers the Question

Summary of Report/Report Tabs

Data Quality Flags

Data Accuracy - Calendar for NBN ES


*Run for a single project


*Run for only one month at a time


*Contains a report prompt option to include client names

Who was in shelter during the month and what nights they were there?

See if active clients in a Night-By-Night Emergency Shelter project have an enrollment, a shelter stay, or both on each night of the report month.

·  31 Day Calendar tab: A “calendar” of the report month, where the days of the month are columns and clients are the rows, will tell you on each day if the client has:

   An open enrollment

   A shelter night

   Both an enrollment and a shelter night

·  Client Detail tab:  Provides details on the data that populate the 31-day calendar tab, including:

   Client ID

   Name (if included)

   Service Start Date/End Date (shelter stay services)

Red text/yellow fill highlights:

   Duplicate open enrollments

   Duplicate shelter stays

   Shelter stays missing an enrollment

   A final column flags open enrollments without a shelter stay in the month that likely need to be closed/exited



Data Accuracy - Clients Active in Period


*ALWAYS includes client names


*Contains a report prompt option to limit to veterans only

Who was active in a project during a specific period of time?

See all active client enrollments in the report period with some common data points of interest (age, veteran status, length of stay).

·  Summary tab: Total counts of clients and households per project

·  Details tab: Each row is an enrollment (sorted by Group ID to keep households together) with details including:

   Client ID

   Name (if included)

   Age at Entry

   Length of Stay

   Veteran Status

   Bed list (if a night-by-night shelter)

Red text highlights:

   Duplicate enrollments on the same day into the same project

   Multiple open enrollments in the same project


NOTE: Use this report to cross reference with agency files to add, update, or exit enrollments in AKHMIS.


Data Accuracy - Housing Move In Date Monitoring w/Details


*For projects that record Housing Move-in Dates (HMI)

Who has a housing move-in date? Is it valid? Was it entered accurately?

Details on Housing Move-In (HMI) Date, Lengths of Time concerning HMI, and housing outcomes for heads of household or for all household members if no head of household is identified with active enrollments in selected projects.


·  Detail – To Report End tab:  Each row is an enrollment (sorted by Group ID to keep households together), with details including:

   Client ID

   Project Type

   Start Date/Exit Date of enrollment

   HMI with error flags

   Length of Time calculations, including Days from Start to HMI/HMI to Exit

   Housing outcome

·  Details – w Data After Rpt End tab: Same as the Detail – To Report End tab but includes data in the system that occurred after the report end date.

Various text formatting flags highlight:

   HMI date that falls outside of the enrollment dates

   Problems with how HMI was entered

   No HMI entered with 30+ days in PSH or 60+ days in RRH

   Missing or multiple Heads of Household

Data Accuracy - Monthly Census


*Run for a maximum of 12 months

Can I get month-by-month client and household counts? How do I know if these totals are accurate?

See summary monthly active client and household counts for selected project(s), with additional tabs for overlapping enrollments and length of stay issues.

·  Summary tab: Total counts of clients and enrollments per month per project

·  Details tab: Each row is a client enrollment, with details including:

   Client ID


   Start Date/Exit Date of enrollment

   Family Type

   User Creating

   Two flag columns

·  Errors Only tab: Same as the details tab, but only enrollments with errors are included

·  LoS Error Details tab: Details on Length of Stay errors

Red text highlights:

   Overlapping enrollments in housing

   Child-only enrollments in a non-youth provider


Flag columns provide the month and year of any:

   Overlapping enrollments in housing projects

   If more shelter nights are recorded than there are nights in the month

Data Accuracy - Shelter Night Totals


*This report only provides sum totals – use the NBN ES calendar report for specific dates


*Run for a single project


*Contains a report prompt option to include client names



How many nights were clients provided shelter?

For selected project(s) in the report period, see how many total shelter nights were provided in the report period, total clients, how many nights per client, and average length of stay.

·  Summary tab: Total nights provided, total clients, and average Length of Stay – overall, by project, and by project type.

·  Summary  - Veterans Only tab: Total nights provided, total clients, and average Length of Stay – overall, by project, and by project type for veterans only.

·  Details tab: Each row is a client enrollment, with details including:

   Client ID

   Name (if selected)

   Relationship to Head of Household

   Total nights sheltered

Useful for finding clients that are causing Length of Stay Errors in shelter projects.

Data Accuracy - ShelterPoint Overlap

How can I find overlapping shelter stays that need correction?

For selected project(s) in the report period, shows all shelter stays for any client with more than one shelter night in the report period, and flags stays that overlap.

·  Detail tab: Each row is a client shelter stay, with details including:

   Client ID


   Start Date/Exit Date of enrollment

   Overlapping enrollment flag column

   Length of stay error flag column

Red text highlights:

   Overlapping shelter stays


NOTE: Not all overlaps per client can be flagged, so manual review of all stays for a client with any overlap should be completed.

Data Completeness - 2022DS + Monitoring


*Contains a report prompt option to include client names


*Contains a report prompt option to inly include summary tab for only federal data elements


An extensive guide for this report is available on Alaska’s HMIS Knowledge Base

Are enrollments missing any required universal data elements (UDEs)?



For selected project(s) in the report period, evaluates the completeness of all required universal data elements (UDEs) and Alaska-specific universal data elements (AK UDEs) in active client enrollments.

·  DE Monitoring tab: Data completeness scores per Project, by data element and overall.

·  DQ Monitoring - By User: Summary of data accuracy/completeness: by user by project type and data element.

·  Detail – Full tab: Each row is a client enrollment, with details including:

   Client ID

   Name (if included)

   Start Date/Exit Date of enrollment

   All UDEs and AK UDEs with flags for issues and missing data

·  Detail – Error Only tab: Same as the details tab, but only enrollments with errors are included.

·  Detail – Project First Entry tab: Only the first enrollment of a client in a project is included.

·  Detail – SO Not Engaged tab: Only the enrollments of clients in Street Outreach projects that are not yet engaged (and not included in any other tab).

Red text highlights:

   Any issues (missing or invalid data) in required universal data elements to help you find, review, and enter data or fix errors where needed


Other colors of text highlight:

   Data that may be incorrect and needs review or Is encouraged for collection and entry, if possible

Data Completeness - Annual Assessments


Who is missing or has errors in their required Annual Assessments?


See all Heads of Household (HoH) enrolled longer than 30 days and if they have any issues with their required Annual Assessment(s).

Annual Assessments are required for CoC-funded projects.

·  HoH Errors tab: Provides client details where there are Heads of Household issues.

Annual Assessments – All tab: Includes all Heads of Household with details of their Annual Assessments.

Annual Assessments - Errors tab: This table lists any enrollments active in the report period that have an Annual Assessment error. These errors must be resolved for CoC-level System Performance Measure reporting to HUD.

Flags highlight:

   Missing or multiple Heads of Household

   Missing Location

   Missing Annual Assessments or on a date outside of the applicable window

Data Quality Performance Scorecard

How is data completeness and data timeliness for the project as a whole?

Report provides a summary of data quality scores by provider. Scores integrate UDEs, common data elements, enrollment timeliness and annual assessment standards to give a wholistic summary of a provider’s data quality.

Data Completeness Scores: This tab provides a provider-level “Report Card” evaluating if each enrollment active during the reporting period meets the data quality Completeness standards established in the AKHMIS Data Quality Plan. The table is set up to include a line for each project for the organization. It identifies the Provider and Project Type (such Emergency Services – ES, Street outreach – SO, etc.) 

Data Timeliness Scores: This tab provides a provider-level “Report Card” evaluating if each enrollment active during the reporting period meets the data quality Timeliness standards established in the AKHMIS Data Quality Plan. The table provides a count and percentage of enrollments that meet data timeliness standard for that project type. Enrollments evaluated on this tab were either added or exited during the report period. These enrollments may be different than the enrollments evaluated on the Data Completeness tab. 

DV Error Details: This tab is a detail report that displays the details of enrollment records with data completeness issues in the Domestic Violence Victim/Survivor questions.

HUD Verification Errors/Warnings: This tab provides a provider-level “Report Card” evaluating if each enrollment active during the reporting period meets the data quality Completeness standards established in the AKHMIS Data Quality Plan. This HUD Verification Report has not changed in format - it is just no longer a stand-alone report.

Data Completeness Scores – no flags


Data Timeliness Scores -will flag Providers who should not have clients enrolled in the project.


DV Error Details -  Red flag for Data not collected / Missing


HUD Verification Errors/Warning -  Symbol/text flags tell you the type of issue and highlight:

   Duplicate open sub assessment records

   Mismatch between gateway question and sub assessment table


Missing data including “Data Not Collected”, “Client refused”, ”Client doesn’t know“ responses (data to collect first!)

Shelter Exits Needed


Which clients need to be exited from the shelter because they have not been at the shelter for an identified number of days.

Returns all clients who have not had a shelter stay in the selected project in number of days specified in prompt. Displays limited information for each client, including last check out date to use for exit date.

·   Active Clients Needing an Exit: Shows client enrollments where the number of days since a shelter stay meets or exceeds the number selected in report prompts (14). Client should be exited from project on the date they last left shelter.


Street Outreach Status

Which clients need an exit from Street Outreach project? Find Street Outreach clients who do not have a valid Current Living Situation

Number of active clients in selected Street Outreach projects, clients that need an exit from Street Outreach and clients who do not have a valid Current Living Situation.

·  Summary: Summary of number of active clients in selected Street Outreach projects, clients that need an exit from Street Outreach and clients that do not have a valid Current Living Situation.

·  SO Client Detail: Displays all active clients in selected Street Outreach projects and calculates status based on most recent Current Living Situation record (from any project).



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