Data Quality: What is Data Accuracy and How Is It Measured?

Definition & Importance

Accuracy is the degree to which data reflects the best representation of the clients real-world situation and the programs that provide housing and services. Accurate data is highly dependent on comprehensive training and a thorough understanding of HUD and federal partner HMIS data standards, as well as data collection protocols. Information entered in AKHMIS needs to accurately represent the clients who are served by any homeless service projects contributing data to AKHMIS. Inaccurate data, sometimes referred to as incongruent data, is evaluated at both the client and household levels, and highlights data elements that appear to rationally conflict with one or more other data elements.


Data accuracy is not easy to manage or monitor and requires specific reports that look at congruency between and among responses to data elements within the system, as well as checks between what the client has told an intake worker and what data is entered into AKHMIS. Additionally, the Longitudinal System Analysis looks at specific data quality measures in a community-wide report submission to HUD on an annual basis.


The AK CoCs encourage all AKHMIS-participating organizations to aspire to 100% collection and entry of all data elements (Universal, Alaskan, and Program Specific), but recognize that 100% data accuracy may not be realistic or possible in all cases. Due to the complexity of data accuracy, specific standards have not been developed. Some amount of data incongruity may be reasonable depending on a clients or a households situation; however, providers should strive to minimize data incongruity that occurs without explanation to help ensure the data reported by the AKHMIS is accurately reflecting the state of homelessness in Alaska.

Instead, timely corrections/updates to the following data elements, if and as necessary, are expected of all project types and all data entered into AKHMIS on at least a quarterly basis (as per the usual monitoring process):

Accuracy Measure

Data Element(s) Involved

Accuracy Test

Date of Birth <>

Project Start Date

3.03 Date of Birth

3.03 is not the same date as 3.10 for Heads of Household

3.10 Project Start Date

Household Error

3.15 Relationship to Head of Household

At least one, and only one, Head of Household per household (no HoH is an error, multiple HoH is an error)

No infant or young child Heads of Household (under X years of age)

Prior Living Situation and Dependencies are Congruent

3.917 Prior Living Situation

Dependencies (Approx. Date, Time, and Months) answered if 3.917/Length of Time indicate the client came from a homelessness situation

Length of stay in prior living situation

On the Night Before

Approximate date this episode of homelessness started

Number of times the client has been on the streets, in ES, or SH in the past three years including today

Number of months homeless on the street, in ES mir SH in the past three years

Disabling Condition has a Source

3.08 Disabling Condition

If Yes to 3.08, then Yes to at least one 4.## and Yes to corresponding Disabling? dependency

4.05 Physical Disability

If Yes to Disabling? Dependency for any 4.##, then Yes to the corresponding 4.##

4.06 Developmental Disability

4.07 Chronic Health Condition


4.09 Mental Health Disorder

4.10 Substance Use Disorder

Monthly Income has a Source

4.02 Income

If Yes to 4.02, then Yes to at least one source

If a Source is selected, then 4.02 must be Yes


Non-Cash Benefits has a Source

4.03 Non-Cash Benefits

If Yes to 4.03, then Yes to at least one source

If a Source is selected, then to 4.03 must be Yes


Health Insurance has a Type

4.04 Health Insurance

If Yes to 4.04, then Yes to at least one Source

If a Type is selected, 4.04 must be Yes


Domestic Violence and Dependencies are congruent

4.11 Domestic Violence

If Yes to 4.11, dependencies (When and Fleeing) are answered; if No to 4.11, dependencies are not answered

When experience occurred

If answered, 4.11 is Yes and other dependency is answered

Are you currently fleeing

Veterans are Not Minors

3.07 Veteran Status

3.07 is not Yes for clients under 18 years of age

3.03 Date of Birth

Enrollment CoC / Client Location Appropriate to Project

3.16 Enrollment CoC / Client Location

3.16 for a client enrollment matches 2.03 for the project

2.02 Project Information

2.03 Continuum of Care Information

Project funding sources match clients

2.02 Project Information

Specific to a Project examples include: Age (Minor-/Youth-/Adult-only); Household (Singles-/Families-only); Gender (Single-Gender)

Veteran (Veteran-dedicated); Disabling Condition Required

2.06 Funding Sources

Clients in project

Housing Move-In Date is Accurate

3.20 Housing Move-In Date

Ensure the 3.20 does not predate 3.10

3.10 Project Start Date

Additional Resources

AKHMIS Data Quality Plan

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