HMIS 101: HMIS End User Best Practices Cheat Sheet


In order to have a meaningful database, it is essential the system is being used correctly and data is entered accurately.

Regardless of how long someone has been an HMIS end user, on-going training is recommended. Below are training ideas to sharpen your HMIS skillset:

  • After initial on-boarding, shadow other HMIS end users at your organization.
  • After 6 months of using HMIS, go back through the on-boarding training materials. You will be amazed at how much you have learned and will likely pick-up a few tricks you may not have noticed the first time.
  • Do not forget about resources available in the Alaska HMIS Knowledge Base for quick refreshers and to verify processes.


Ask Questions

When in doubt, ASK! Taking the time to ensure your questions are answered before entering data into HMIS or making changes to HMIS data will increase your HMIS knowledge and prevent the possibility of additional HMIS data clean-up if data is entered incorrectly.

Resources for Asking Questions:
  • Alaska HMIS Knowledge Base - Collection of FAQs with answers provided by ICA.
  • AKHMIS Help Desk - ICA staff are happy to assist with any questions you may have, so do not hesitate to reach out!
  • Other HMIS end users at your organization
  • Other HMIS end users at organizations similar to yours
  • Local HMIS end user groups


Read Newsletters

Newsletters are a fantastic way to stay up-to-date on any system changes, helpful reminders, and upcoming activities that impact HMIS end users.

Click For More Information or other links provided in each topic for additional information - you may be surprised at how much you learn!

Archived Newsletters are available at under the Communications tab.



Build HMIS into Your Schedule

  • Block time off on your calendar specifically for HMIS data entry.
  • Include extra 15 minutes at the end of client meetings to enter HMIS data.
  • Complete all HMIS data entry by the end of the work week.
  • Conduct monthly data checks so you know you are up to date on data entry.
  • Communicate timeline expectations and flow of information, if multiple staff engage in the data entry process (i.e. different person enters data into HMIS than person collecting HMIS data).



Check Data Frequently

Run monthly or quarterly data checking reports to ensure data is complete and accurate. Waiting until funders request reports to clean data can be time consuming and lead to missing data points due to clients already exiting a program. If you need report training, have your supervisor submit a Report Training Request.

Understand the Importance of Data

Data entry into HMIS is about more than meeting compliance requirements. Knowing how to identify data errors and steps necessary to correct data errors are essential to meeting high data quality standards. With accurate data entry, you can use HMIS data for programming and funding decisions, which have an impact on individuals experiencing homelessness and the community.


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