Data Quality: What is Data Consistency and How Is It Measured?

Definition & Importance

Consistency is the degree to which all data is collected, entered, stored, and reflective of the use of HMIS as a standard operating procedure. Consistency will be representative of how well completeness, accuracy, and timeliness standards have been operationalized across the data collection and entry stages. Consistency may also refer to the data storage, table structure, and overall reliability of the HMIS database management process. In this regard, consistency bridges data quality across data collection, entry, and management stages and should be considered a shared responsibility across multiple HMIS stakeholders.



Initial End User Training Standard: All data entry workers must complete the initial training before they will be allowed to access the live AKHMIS. Additional training opportunities beyond initial training are available and readily offered by ICA.

Training is also offered for intake workers who do not do data entry, to ensure they understand the purpose and importance of the information they are collecting.

Monthly Activity End User Standard: End users must enter data on a regular and consistent basis to maintain AKHMIS access to prevent a backlog of data entry and to ensure they maintain familiarity with AKHMIS and the workflows for which they are responsible. Refer to the AKHMIS Policies and Procedures Manual for more specific requirements.

Additional Resources

AKHMIS Data Quality Plan

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