HMIS 101: Frequently Asked Questions From HMIS Users

What is AKHMIS?

Alaska's Homeless Management Information System (AKHMIS) is a web-based database used by 60+ homeless service organizations with 200+ active providers across the state to collect client-level data on households experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. Click here for more general information about HMIS What is HMIS.

Who is responsible for the operation of AKHMIS?

The Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) is responsible for managing day-to-day AKHMIS operations. Other partners are responsible for maintaining the HMIS software and for providing strategic direction and decision-making in support of AKHMIS. Click here to learn more about the different stakeholders involved in operating AKHMIS and their roles Responsible for the Operation of HMIS.

How does an organization or project get created in AKHMIS?

If an organization is new to AKHMIS or is already in the system and needs to be updated, click here for more information How to Become a Participating Organization in HMIS.

What is the process for becoming an AKHMIS user?

Everyone who requests access to AKHMIS, whether new to the system or an experienced user, must complete online New User Training. Find more details about the user training process here Process for Becoming an HMIS User.

What data privacy concerns should I be aware of?

Click here for more information about the responsibility each organization and user bears when entering and accessing HMIS data Data Privacy Concerns for Users.

How can I make AKHMIS work for me?

ICA and the AKHMIS Advisory Board are committed to maximizing the usefulness of AKHMIS to all stakeholders. Talk with ICA and the AKHMIS Advisory Board about making AKHMIS work better for your needs. Click here for more information How Can I Make HMIS Work For Me.

Why does data quality matter?

In addition to being required by funders to enter accurate and complete information into HMIS, agencies can secure benefits for themselves and others by ensuring that the data recorded in HMIS is of a high quality. Click here to learn more about why it matters to have good data quality Reasons to Pursue High Data Quality.

How can I make the most of my AKHMIS data?

Collecting, inputting, and cleaning HMIS data takes time. Why not make the most of that effort and use HMIS data for more than just required funder reporting? Using HMIS data to evaluate program performance is a wonderful way to do just that!

Where do I go if I have a question about AKHMIS?

The Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) maintains a variety of resources to help organizations and users effectively utilize AKHMIS. Click here to find out what resources are available Where to Find Answers to a Question About HMIS.


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