Policies and Procedures: What Is The Process for Becoming an HMIS User?

How does someone become an AKHMIS user?

Everyone who requests access to AKHMIS, whether new to the system or an experienced user, must complete User Training which consists of informative videos, one-on-one interactive training, and a hands-on exercise.

Training for persons new to AKHMIS

To get started with New User Training, a trainee’s supervisor should complete and submit an Alaska HMIS User Access Request Form after the trainee completes a background check and learns about how HMIS fits in with their job duties.

After registering for training, trainees are directed to review a series of videos about HMIS, including instructional videos covering an introduction to AKHMIS and Privacy & Security Training. Trainees must complete initial training steps within 20 business days of the training request submission. Upon completion of the initial training steps, the trainee will be sent a bookings link to choose a date on the ICA (Institute for Community Alliances) training calendar on which they would like to complete their workflow-specific training. The workflow-specific training must be scheduled within one month of completion of the initial training steps. If these initial steps are not completed within the specified period, trainees may be required to retake the initial training steps.

If a trainee needs to be trained on more than one workflow, each workflow will have a separate training.

After a trainee completes the workflow-specific training, the trainee has five business days to submit the corresponding required practice case(s) into the AKHMIS Training Site. ICA staff will review practice cases and determine if corrections are needed. Trainees will have an additional five business days to complete corrections. If the trainee does not complete all requirements within 20 days of the start of their workflow specific AKHMIS training and still needs access to the AKHMIS, the trainee will be administered a practice case to enter into the AKHMIS Training Site. If there are corrections needed, the trainee will be required to redo all or some of the training process based on ICA’s discretion.

ICA staff may determine that a trainee did not retain the necessary data entry concepts based on the quality of the trainee’s practice case submission(s) into the AKHMIS Training Site. ICA staff may use their discretion to require trainees to complete additional training sessions with ICA until the trainee meets the required standard of data entry to gain access to the AKHMIS live site. If a trainee is unable to successfully complete all assignments for data entry after repeated attempts, ICA staff may use their discretion to determine that the trainee is not capable of accurate and complete data entry and may deny access to the AKHMIS live site.

Trainees may request permission from ICA to take the new user training series over a longer period if a trainee is unable to attend training with ICA within the period allowed. ICA must receive the request in writing prior to the start of the new user training series.


Training for persons who have previously had an AKHMIS user license

If a trainee has previously had an AKHMIS user license, the trainee will be required to complete necessary training steps identified by ICA staff to access the AKHMIS. ICA has sole discretion to waive the requirement to attend new user training. ICA will consider a trainee’s familiarity with the AKHMIS and the need for the trainee to learn about system updates and changes when deciding to waive the new user training requirement.


How long will it take for a new user to get into HMIS?

Although it may take 5-7 hours for a user to complete the initial training, it may take several days for the training process to be completed as ICA staff work to review the user’s data entry training exercise and set the user up in the Community Services live site. Once a new user is set up in the Community Services live site, they will be able to use HMIS immediately.


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