HMIS 101: What are Common Program Specific Data Elements?

The Program Specific Data Elements (PSDEs) have been developed by HUD to allow organizations that receive funding for homeless services programs run by other Federal Partner agencies (such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)) to use HMIS to meet the statutory and regulatory data collection and reporting requirements of these programs. HMIS participation is therefore required to fulfill program requirements.

All participants in HMIS must collect and enter the Universal Data elements (UDEs), but only some programs and projects require the collection of additional PSDEs. The HUD Exchange Federal Partners landing page serves as a gateway to the manuals that provide the specific PSDE data collection requirements per program and HMIS project type.

PSDEs may be collected at a clients’ project start, update, annual assessment, project exit and/or at every event occurrence. The table below provides the Common Program Specific Data Elements, which are the PSDEs that are collected across most Federal Partner programs.




Common Program Specific Data Elements

One or More Value(s) Per Project Stay for a Client

Must be collected or reviewed/updated upon EVERY project stay in specific funding sources:











4.02 Income and Sources

Collected on all HoH and adults.

To determine whether households are accessing all income sources for which they are eligible at the time of project start and to allow for analyzing changes in the composition of income between project start and exit.

Indicate whether each Head of household (Hoh) and each adult household member have income, the sources, and  amount of any income.  Income from Any Source

o   Earned income (i.e. employment income)

o   Unemployment Insurance

o   Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

o   Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

o   VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation

o   VA Non-Service-Connected Disability Pension

o   Private disability insurance

o   Worker’s Compensation

o   Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

o   General Assistance (GA)

o   Retirement Income from Social Security

o   Pension or retirement income from a former job

o   Child support

o   Alimony and other spousal support

o   Other source

4.03 Non-Cash Benefits

Collected on all HoH and adults.

To determine whether households are accessing all mainstream program benefits for which they are eligible at the time of project start and to allow for analyzing changes in the composition of non-cash benefits between project start and exit.

Indicate whether each HoH and each adult household member are receiving any benefits and the sources of those benefits.

          Non-Cash Benefits from Any Source

o   Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Previously known as Food Stamps)

o   Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

o   TANF Child Care services

o   TANF transportation services

o   Other TANF-funded services

o   Other source

4.04 Health Insurance

Collected on all household members

To determine whether clients are accessing all mainstream medical assistance benefits for which they may be eligible, and to ascertain a more complete picture of changes to economic circumstances between project start and exit.

Indicate whether clients are receiving health insurance from any of the listed sources.

          Covered by Health Insurance

o   Medicaid

o   Medicare

o   State Children's Health Insurance Program (or use local name)

o   Veteran's Health Administration (VHA)

o   Employer-Provided Health Insurance

o   Health Insurance obtained through COBRA

o   Private Pay Health Insurance

o   State Health Insurance for Adults (or use local name)

o   Indian Health Services Program

o   Other à Specify


4.05 – 4.10 Disability Types

Collected on all household members

To indicate whether clients have any disabling special needs which contribute to their experience of homelessness or may be a factor in housing.

Indicate if each client has the indicated disability

Indicate the disability is expected to be of long continued and indefinite duration and substantially impair the client's ability to live independently.

v  4.05 Physical Disability

v  4.06 Developmental Disability

o   Does not require duration follow-up

v  4.07 Chronic Health Condition

v  4.08 HIV/AIDS

o   Does not require duration follow-up

v  4.09 Mental Health Disorder

v  4.10 Substance Use Disorder


4.11 Domestic Violence

Collected on all HoH and adults.

To indicate whether HoH and other adults served are survivors of domestic violence. Ascertaining whether a person is a survivor of or fleeing from domestic violence is necessary to provide the person with the appropriate services to prevent further abuse and to treat the physical and psychological injuries from prior abuse. Also, ascertaining that a person may be experiencing domestic violence may be important for the safety of project staff and other clients. At the aggregate level, knowing the size of the population of persons experiencing homelessness who have also experienced domestic violence is critical for determining the resources needed to address the problem.


·         If the client is a survivor of domestic violence

o   When the experience occurred, and

o   If the client is currently fleeing domestic violence








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