Data Entry: When and How to Add An End Date in a HUD Verification Table

When an answer to an entry in a HUD Verification table for Insurance, Disabilities, Income and Non-Cash Benefits changes, the old information needs to be ended and a new entry must be created for the new answer. 


The Start Date is the date of the entry when this answer was created. When the answer was created on 04/19/2021, No was the correct answer to the question Covered? for MEDICAID.

But as of 08/25/2021, No is no longer a correct answer. Document this change by entering an End Date for the No Answer. The date No stopped being correct is the date the client first acquired health insurance; however, the client is not expected to remember that date, and the staff doing the intake is not expected to record it.

But the staff doing the intake does know that on the date the client completed the intake for the program, the client had Medicaid. The staff is only responsible for reporting what is true as of the Entry Date. So, use the date of the day before the program entry as the End Date

In this example, the Entry Date for the program is 08/25/2021, so the End Date for the No answer would be 08/24/2020.

Follow these steps to end the old.

1.       Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.

2.       Search for and enter the client record.

3.       In the Entry/Exit tab, click on the edit pencil 

to the left of the Project Start Date to open the Entry Assessment.

4.       Click the edit pencil 

 on the left of the disability the client reported. (Note: May need to click on Next and Previous buttons to navigate to that record).

5.       Click Save & Continue in the first pop-up.

The End Date now appears in line with the “No” for the MEDICAID answer.

Note:  Remember to add a new line for the “Yes” answer.



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