HMIS 101: What are the Commonly Used Acronyms Used by Funders and Providers?

Federal Government and Other Important Entities

  • CPS - Child Protective Services
  • DOJ - Department of Justice
  • FYSB - Family and Youth Services Bureau
  • HHS - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  • SNAPS - Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs
  • SNAPS - Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs
  • VA - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
  • VAMC - Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • VASH - Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing    

Commonly-Requested Data / Reports

  • AHAR - Annual Homeless Assessment Report
  • APR - Annual Performance Report
  • CAPER - Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
  • HIC - Housing Inventory Count
  • LSA - Longitudinal Systems Analysis
  • PIT - Point in Time Count
  • SPMs - System Performance Measures

Funding Sources

  • AHFC - Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
  • AMHTA - Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
  • ARP - American Rescue Plan
  • BCP -- Basic Center Program
  • BHAP - Basic Homeless Assistance Program
  • CDBG - Community Development Block Grant
  • CoC - Continuum of Care
  • ESG - Emergency Solutions Grant
  • ESG RUSH - Emergency Solutions Grant Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing
  • ESG CV - Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act
  • GPD - Grant and Per Diem
  • HOPWA - Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS
  • HUD-VASH - Housing and Urban Development Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing
  • MGH - Maternity Group Homes for Parenting Youth
  • MOA - Municipality of Anchorage
  • PATH - Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
  • PFS - Pay for Success
  • RHY - Runaway and Homeless Youth S
  • SSVF - Supportive Services for Veterans Families
  • YHDP - Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project

Project Types

  • CE - Coordinated Entry
  • ES - Emergency Shelter
  • HP - Homelessness Prevention
  • PSH - Permanent Supportive Housing
  • RRH - Rapid Rehousing
  • SH - Safe Haven
  • SO - Street Outreach
  • SSO - Supportive Services Only
  • TH - Transitional Housing


  • AMI - Area Median Income
  • CH - Chronically Homeless
  • CM - Case Management
  • COBRA -Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Continuation of health coverage)
  • CRS - Contract Residential Services
  • CSL - Community Service Learning
  • CSV - Comma-Separated Values
  • DOB - Date of Birth
  • DV - Domestic Violence
  • E/E - Entry/Exit Shelter
  • EBT - Electronic Benefits Transfer
  • EHV - Emergency Housing Voucher
  • FY - Fiscal Year
  • GA - General Assistance
  • GED - General Educational Development Test
  • HCHV - Health Care for Homeless Veterans
  • HCV - Housing Choice Voucher
  • HEARTH - Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act
  • HIC - Housing Inventory Count
  • HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • HMIS - Homeless Management Information System
  • HoH - Head of Household
  • HSV - Housing Stability Voucher
  • NOFO - Notice of Funding Opportunity
  • OMB - Office of Management Budget
  • OTH - Other Than Honorable Discharge Conditions
  • PDDE - Project Descriptor Data Elements
  • PH - Permanent Housing
  • PHA - Public Housing Agency
  • PIH - Public and Indian Housing
  • SOAR - SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery
  • SRO - Single Room Occupancy
  • SSDI -Social Security Disability Insurance
  • SSI - Supplemental Security Income
  • SSN - Social Security Number
  • STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
  • STI - Sexually Transmitted Infection
  • STRMU - Short-Term Rent, Mortgage and Utility
  • TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • TBRA - Tenant Based Rental Assistance
  • TFA - Temporary Financial Assistance
  • VAWA - Violence Against Women Act
  • VSP - Victim Service Provider
  • WIC - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
  • XML - Extensible Markup Language

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