Data Quality: How to Correct Exit Destination Error

AKHMIS end users are required to provide an Exit Destination immediately upon creating an Exit Record for a client. Categories of exit destination are provided in a drop-down, and end users should select the category that best represents the client’s destination.

PLEASE NOTE:  It is crucial to use the provided Exit Destination categories instead of typing in a custom “Other” destination because the text field cannot be analyzed and therefore provides no useful data for system analysis and strategic planning to improve client services.


The following responses are considered errors for Exit Destination: “ Client Doesn’t Know,” “Client Prefers Not to Answer,” “Data Not Collected,” “No Exit Interview Completed,” and “Other”.  

Fixing Errors

If a client’s destination can be found out after initial exit, or if an “Other” response includes detail written in the accompanying text field, use this information to update the response by following the steps below:

1.     Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.

2.     Search for and enter the client record.

3.    Navigate to the tab the organization uses to record Entry/Exit, click on the edit pencil  to the left of the Exit Date to open the Edit Exit Data pop-up window.

4.    Destination using the drop-down menu. Remember: Use the Exit Destination category that best fits/represents the client’s destination – it does not need to be exact!

5.       Click Save & Continue in the Edit Exit Data pop-up window.

6.  The Exit Assessment will appear. Make any necessary corrections and click Save & Exit when complete.

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