Data Collection: Which Reason for Leaving Should Be Used?

The “Reason for Leaving” at Exit describes why a client leaves a program.  The following table is to help end users determine the response to select (remember, if there is no exact match, select the option that most closely matches the actual situation).

Reason for Leaving:

Used when:

Completed Program

Client successfully completed the program OR

Successful/accepted referral made OR

Client no longer requires supportive services, rental subsidy, or additional assistance provided by the program to maintain housing stability.

Criminal Activity

Client participation was ended because of criminal activity or violence that occurred while in program.


Client died while in program.

Disagreement with Rules/Person

Client decided to leave the program because client disagreed with rules or person(s) in the household or at the organization/facility, NOT to go to a different housing option. 

NOT used if they were terminated from the program. 

Left for Housing opportunity before completing program

Client decided to leave the program prior to completion for another housing opportunity. 

Housing stability is not guaranteed because the client did not complete the program.  Does not otherwise indicate why the client chose to leave.

Needs could not be met

Client participation was ended because client needed more services and/or assistance than the program could provide.

Non-compliance with program

Client participation was ended because client was not compliant with rules and/or parameters agreed upon at program entry.

Non-payment of rent

Client participation was ended due to client’s denial to follow program guidelines pertaining to rent or fees.

Reached maximum time allowed

Client participation was ended due to time limitation as determined by a grant or agency policy, not because he/she completed the program and is housing stable.  There is usually no stable housing plan identified.


Client decided to leave the program without informing anyone as to why they were leaving, or client was unable to be reached to determine the reason. 


Client left the program for a reason not previously listed. Only select if truly necessary, and a description of the destination MUST be included in the text box provided.


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