HMIS 101: FY2024 Data Standards Updates

HUD released the DRAFT of new FY2024 HMIS Data Standards which include some updates that will affect AKHMIS end users. Below is a summary of new and updated data elements which will be effective October 1, 2023. The complete HUD HMIS Data Standards Manual can be accessed by clicking the link: HUD Exchange HMIS Data Standards Homepage

Click Client Level Changes Summary to access a chart of the major client-level changes in the FY2024 Data Standards.


Summary of all new and updated data elements 

2.02 Project Information

  • Remove Emergency Shelter Tracking Method
  • Add Night-by-Night to existing emergency shelter response option (1).
  • Add Response 0 Emergency Shelter Entry Exit response option
  • Add Rapid Re-housing subtype field
  • Add RRH: Services Only subtype to affiliation field
  • Remove HMIS Participating Project field from this element, create new element for HMIS Participation Status.
  • Change domestic violence victim to survivor of domestic violence in target Population

2.06 Funding Sources

  • Remove HUD: CoC Joint Component RRH/PSH
  • Add HUD - ESG RUSH
  • Add HUD: Unsheltered Special NOFO
  • Add HUD: Rural Special NOFO
  •  Remove Rural Housing Stability Assistance Program

2.07 Bed and Unit Inventory

  • Change Project Type Applicability for RRH to only PH-Rapid Re-housing (RRH: Housing with or without services) subtype

2.08 HMIS Participation Status

  • New Element for tracking HMIS participation removing HMIS participation field from project information PDDE.
  • Added comparable database participating

2.09 CE Participation Status

  • Add PDDE to identify projects acting as access points and projects that accept referrals from CE including participation status dates.

3.01 Name

  • Data collection instruction change Client may provide preferred name. Legal name not required unless required by the funder.

3.02 Social Security Number

  • Data Collection instruction change HUD CoC and ESG, and SAMHSA PATH Programs require only last four digits of SSN to be required.

3.04 Race and Ethnicity

  • Combine Race and Ethnicity into single data element. (Eliminate 3.05 data element)
  • Add response option for Middle Eastern or North African and modified
  • Hispanic/Latina/e/o response option. Added text box to provide additional detail.

3.06 Gender

  • Change Female to "Woman (Girl if child)"
  • Change Male to "Man (Boy if child)"
  • Change Gender other than to "Non-Binary"
  • Add "Culturally Specific Identity (e.g., Two-Spirit)
  • Add "Different Identity" and text box to add detail

3.07 Veteran Status

  • Remove details of definition. Refer to VA Data Guide for legal definition of Veteran

3.12 Destination

  • Remove "or RHY Funded" from descriptor of Host Home
  • Separate Temporary and Permanent Situations into separate headers
  • Re-organize response options under headers
  • Re-number responses by adding a standard # to the beginning of each response number based on category (i.e., 1xx for homeless situations, 2xx for temporary situations, etc.)
  • Add dependency for permanent subsidized options

3.16 Enrollment CoC

  • Change element name to "Enrollment CoC"
  • Change data collection stage to project start (only)
  • Update data collection instructions 3.917 A & B
  • Added in this episode to response Approximate date this episode of homelessness started field for clarity.
  • Add dependency for permanent subsidized options

4.04 Health Insurance

  • Response to say "Veteran's Health Administration (VHA)

4.12 Current Living Situation

  • Add dependency for permanent subsidized options

C1 Wellbeing 


C4 Translation Assistance Needed 

  • NEW

W1 Services Provided HOPWA

  • Remove disorder from Substance Use services/treatment response

W3 Medical Assistance

  • Remove Receiving Public HIV/AIDS Medical Assistance" field and dependency responses from the element

W5 Housing Assessment at Exit

  • Update response language to say "Jail/prison" and "Deceased" R3 Sexual Orientation
  • Add HUD: CoC PH: Permanent Supportive Housing to Funder: Program Component required to collect

R14 RHY Service Connections

  • Response label change change mother to "client (person who gave birth)"

R17 Project Completion Status and R18 Counseling

  • Change response labels from Youth to Client

U1 Worst Housing Situation


V1 Veterans Information

  • Add Space Force response option V2 Services Provided SSVF
  • Change Subsidy to Shallow Subsidy"

V3 Financial Assistance SSVF

  • Change Date field to "Start Date of Financial Assistance"
  • Change Extended Shallow Subsidy Rental Assistance to Shallow Subsidy - Financial Assistance"
  • Add "Landlord Incentive"
  • Add "Tenant Incentive"
  • Add new Field - "End Date of Financial Assistance [date field]

V4 Percent of AMI (SSVF Eligibility)

  • Change response as follows:

o   30% or less

o   31% to 50%

o   51% to 80%

o   81% or greater

V5 Last Permanent Address 


V7 HP Targeting Criteria language changes throughout

  • Change dependency C to "Past experience of homelessness"
  • Change dependency D to "Head of Household is not a current leaseholder/renter of unit"
  • Change dependency E to "Head of household (HOH) never been a leaseholder/renter of unit"
  • Change dependency N to "Single parent/guardian household with minor child(ren)"

Change Client Refused to Client prefers not to answer

Update Living Situation Option List in Appendix

Add Appendix B Acronyms

Remove redundancies throughout document. 

Refer to HMIS Data Dictionary for technical HMIS Data Standards Information

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