Reporting: Data Quality - How to Correct ID Field Errors Flagged on the Data Completeness Report

The information provided by the HMIS Data Completeness Report is intended to help you make corrections to client HMIS records within Community Services. Please contact the AKHMIS Help Desk for the fastest response to any questions.


Identifying Number Fields

These flags are scored on ALL ENROLLMENTS


Red Flag Meaning/s

How to Fix

Household (HH) ID

Informational purposes only

Household ID is used to identify related records within HMIS for correction of issues


Client Unique ID

Flagged if multiple different Client IDs are found for a single Client Unique Id

See Multiple Client IDs Flags below

Client ID

Flagged if this enrollment was added to a Client ID under 500000 after the system reset date of 8/27/2018

See Client Unique Id/Multiple Client IDs Flags below

Entry Exit Provider ID

A strikethrough flag indicates the enrollment was added while the EDA was set to a Parent Provider, not a specific project

See Entry Exit Provider ID below


Client ID

Enrollments with a Start Date after 8/27/2018 must be made on an 500000+ Client ID

Any enrollment with a Start Date after the system reset date of 8/27/2018 must be made on a 500000+ Client ID. Enrollments entered on an under-500000 Client ID record with a Start Date ON or AFTER 8/27/2018 (the system reset date) need to be corrected as follows:

  1. Search for the client in ClientPoint.
  2. Re-enter information by selecting one of the following options:

a.       If there is a single 500000+ Client ID: Re-enter the information in the 500000+ Client ID record.

b.       If there are multiple 500000+ Client IDs: Re-enter the information in the lowest 500000+ Client ID record AND submit a Merge Record Request through the AKHMIS Help Desk including all the over-500000 Client IDs for that client that should be merged.

c.        If there is no 500000+ Client ID: A new client record needs to be created.

  1. After you complete the appropriate fix, delete the project enrollment from the under-500000 Client ID.


Client Unique Id (Multiple Client IDs Flag)

If multiple Client IDs are found for a single Client Unique ID, the clients entire record (not just this enrollment) must be reviewed for validity.

Only ONE 500000+ Client ID is acceptable.

This error usually occurs when a client has a new enrollment entered on an under-500000 Client ID. The only situation where multiple Client IDs is not be an error is if the client has one 500000+ Client ID and all other Client IDs are under-500000 for enrollments with Start Dates before 8/27/2018.

See Client ID Error above for how to fix.


Entry Exit Provider Id

If the enrollment was created within a Parent Provider, complete the following steps to correct:

  1. Write down the exact date and exact time (to the second) of the incorrect enrollment.
  2. Set your EDA to the correct project for the enrollment.
  3. Set your BackDate to the exact date and exact time (to the second) of the original enrollment.
  4. Create a new enrollment/project entry within this correct project.
  5. Review the new enrollment to ensure all information from the old enrollment is in the new enrollment.
  6. EDA to the parent again and delete the original enrollment.

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