ReportGuide-DC-Flags General Information

The information provided by the HMIS Data Completeness Report is intended to help you make corrections to client HMIS records within Community Services. Please contact the AKHMIS Help Desk for the fastest response to any questions.

General Information

The HMIS Data Completeness Report looks at each active client enrollment during the report period (enrollments without End Dates) and analyzes the data in those records for completeness of both:

      HMIS Universal Data Elements; and

       Alaska Universal Data Elements.

These data comprise the client-level information that is required for collection and entry into the Alaska HMIS (AKHMIS) by all projects participating in AKHMIS, regardless of funding source.


How to Obtain this Report

You may receive this report directly from an ICA Alaska HMIS team member for data cleanup, and user with ART licenses may run this report for themselves at any time (see the Reporting Guides section of the ICA Alaska website for instructions).


Report Results

The HMIS Data Completeness Report is an Excel file with multiple tabs.




Summary Tabs

DE Monitoring

Data completeness scored at the data element by data element, by project.

User Creating Summary

Summary of each data entry users data completeness.

Detail Tabs

Detail - Full

Every client enrollment active during the report period is represented by a row in the table, with formatting flags indicating data that requires review.

Detail - Error Only

Like the Details - Full tab, except only enrollments with errors are included.

Detail - Proj First Entry

Like the Details - Full tab, except only a clients first enrollment into a project is shown (subsequent enrollments into that project are not included).

Detail - SO Not Engaged

Only enrollments in Street Outreach where the client does not have a valid Engagement Date are included (these clients are not included in any other report tab).

Report info

Additional Information

Shows the basic report information, including the date it was run and the report parameters (prompts) entered to limit the report results


Sorting the Details Tables

The default sort for the records (rows) on the Details tabs are:

Detail - Full:

by Household ID (clients in the same household are grouped together)

Detail - Error Only:

by Household ID (clients in the same household are grouped together)

Detail - Proj First Entry:

by Client Unique ID

Detail - SO Not Engaged:

by Client Unique ID

However, you can use Excel to sort the records in other ways:

1.       Click the header cell of the column in the table that you want to sort by.

2.      Go to the Data tab in the top ribbon toolbar of Excel (see image below).

3.       Click on the Sort button in the ribbon (see image below).

4.       Use the Sort and Filter options available in this section of the ribbon to sort and filter the records.


Basic Flag Key

         Description of the main categories of flags in the Data Completeness Report

ID Fields Flags 

(See article:  ReportGuide-DC DE Flag - ID Fields)

  • These flags appear and are scored on all enrollments
  • Information on flags meaning and how to correct the flagged item for the following IDs:

o   Client Unique ID

o   Multiple Client IDs

o   Entry Exit Provider ID

Universal Data Elements (UDEs)

(See article:  ReportGuide-DC DE Flag - UDEs)

  • These flags appear and are scored on all enrollments
  • Information on flags meaning and how to correct the flagged item for the following UDEs:

o   Start / Exit date

o   Name Data Quality

o   SSN & SSN Data Quality (SSN DQ)

o   Veteran Status

o   Date of Birth (DoB) & DoB Data Quality

o   Primary Race

o   Secondary Race (optional)

o   Ethnicity

o   Gender

o   Client Location

o   Disabling Condition


Household Composition

         (See article:  ReportGuide-DC DE Flag - Household Composition)

  • These flags appear and are scored on all enrollments
  • Information on flags meaning and how to correct the flagged item for the following data elements:

o   Relationship to Head of Household (HoH)

o   HoH Error

o   Family Type


Alaska Universal Data Elements

(See article:  ReportGuide-DC DE Flag - AK UDEs)

  • These flags appear and are scored on all enrollments
  • Information on flags meaning and how to correct the flagged item for the following Alaska UDEs:

o   Disabling Condition

o   Affiliation to AK Native Regional Corp


Prior Living Situation

(See article:  ReportGuide-DC DE Flag - Prior Living Situation)

  • These flags appear and are scored on ALL ADULT & HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD* ENROLLMENTS.
  • If a client is under 18 years of age but turns 18 during an active enrollment (no exit date yet), you must update their Prior Living Situation information.
  • Information on flags meaning and how to correct the flagged item for the following information:

o   Prior Living Situation

o   Prior Living Situation Length of Stay (LoS)

o   On the Night before

o   Approximate Date Homelessness Started

o   Number of Times Homeless in Past 3 Years

o   Total Number of Months Homeless in Past 3 Years



(See article:  ReportGuide-DC DE Flag - Destination)

  • This flag appears and is scored on ALL EXITED ENROLLMENTS.
  • Use of Other as a Destination is VERY much discouraged.


Project Type-Specific Data Elements

(See article:  ReportGuide-DC PSDE Flags Perm Housing Only HMI)

  • Housing Move-In (HMI) Date flags are scored on PERMANENT HOUSING PROJECTS ENROLLMENTS ONLY.
  • Engagement Date flags are NOT SCORED and appear in Street Outreach project enrollments ONLY.
  • Please ensure that any client that appears in the SO Not Engaged tab is truly not engaged. If engaged, enter a valid Engagement Date to ensure they will be included in other reports.



(See article:  ReportGuide-DC Score_Grade)

  • Score is calculated by comparing the number of complete/valid client responses in a record to the number that a 100% complete record would earn.
  • Grade is based on the enrollments score (percent correct/complete).
  • Denominator Point Matrix includes information on the breakdown of the how the required point total (the denominator) for an enrollment is determined.



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