Data Elements: R17 Project Completion Status

Data Element

The purpose is to identify whether the client completed the project or exited without completion.

Response Category Descriptions:

  • Completed project: The client completed the project.
  • Client voluntarily left early: The client voluntarily terminated from the project to pursue other opportunities. These could include: a safe appropriate independent living situation, an educational or vocational opportunity; military service or any other positive disposition.
  • Client was expelled or otherwise involuntarily discharged from project: The client was involuntarily terminated from the project with no plan or invitation to return.
    • Criminal activity/Destruction of Property/Violence: Client left for displaying behavior that threatened safety to themselves, others, or property.
    • Non-compliance with Project Rules Client refused to follow program rules or participate in activities as outlined in their plan.
    • Non-payment of Rent/Occupancy Charge Client failed to make full or partial payments for their accommodation per rental or lease agreement.
    • Reached Maximum Time Allowed by Projects Client reached maximum time allowed by the project without completing goals as outlined in their goal plan.
    • Project Terminated Client required to exit the project prematurely due to closure of the program or facility.
    • Unknown/Disappeared Client was exited from the project after absenting themselves without developing an exit plan or providing notification of destination.

Data Element Type

R17 Project Completion Status is a Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Specific Data Element and required for Emergency Shelter Entry/Exit and Transitional Housing.

Collection Point

R17 Project Completion Status is completed by the service provider for the Head of Household and Adults at project end.

Why It Matters

Supports local system planning and understanding of who is experiencing homelessness.

Data Quality

How to correct: Enter value, if known on Project Exit Assessment. 

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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