Data Elements: R3 Sexual Orientation

Data Element

R3 Sexual Orientation is self-reported by the client. Any questions about a clients sexual orientation must be voluntary, and clients must be informed prior to responding to the questions voluntary nature and that their refusal to respond will not result in a denial of services. In the case of pansexual or asexual or other options that may not be listed, select "Other" and describe the Other response in the text field should the client choose to provide a response to this question. The purpose is to identify the sexual orientation of all heads of household and adults served in RHY programs.


  • Heterosexual
  • Gay
  • Lesbian
  • Bisexual
  • Questioning / Unsure
  • Other

Data Element Type

R3 Sexual Orientation is a Program Specific Data Element for Runaway and Homeless Youth project types.

Collection Point

Project start for Head of Households and adults.

Why It matters

The purpose is to identify the sexual orientation of all heads of household and adults served in RHY programs which supports local system planning and understanding of who is experiencing homelessness.

Data Quality

How to correct: It is important that this measure be updated in the Project Start Assessment if a client discloses this information later when a trusting relationship is established.


* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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