Data Elements: R18 Counseling

Data Element

R18 Counseling is self-reported by client (Head of Household and Adults). Counseling per the RHY Rule [45 CFR 1351] means the provision of guidance, support, referrals for services including, but not limited to, health services, and advice to runaway or otherwise homeless youth and their families, as well as to youth and families when a young person is at risk of running away, as appropriate. These services are provided in consultation with clients and are designed to alleviate the problems that have put the youth at risk of running away or contributed to his or her running away or being homeless. Any treatment or referral to treatment that aims to change someone's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression is prohibited. This element's purpose is to identify the type and amount of counseling received by adults and heads of households enrolled in RHY projects.

Data Element Type

R18 Counseling is a Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Program Specific Data Element and collection is required for Emergency Shelter - Entry Exit, Transitional Housing, and Homelessness Prevention projects.

Collection Point

Project exit for Head of Household and Adults.

Why It Matters

This element's purpose is to identify the type and amount of counseling received by adults and heads of households enrolled in RHY projects.

Data Quality

How to correct: Enter value, if known on Project Exit Assessment. 

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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