Data Elements: R16 Labor Exploitation/Trafficking

Data Element

R16 Labor Exploitation/Trafficking is self-reported. The purpose is to assess the extent of labor exploitation among youth experiencing homelessness.


  • Ever afraid to quit/leave work due to threats of violence to yourself, family, or friends?
  • Ever promised work where work or payment was different than you expected?
    • If yes for these two, Felt forced, coerced, pressured, or tricked into continuing the job
    • If yes for first two, In the last 3 months.

Data Element Type

R16 Labor Exploitation/Trafficking is a Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Specific Data Element and collection is required for all project types.

Collection Point

Project exit.

Why It Matters

Used to assess the extent of labor exploitation among homeless youth and supports local system planning and understanding of who is experiencing homelessness.

Data Quality

How to correct: Enter value, if known on Project Exit Assessment. 

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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