Data Elements: R19 Safe and Appropriate Exit

Data Element

The purpose of R19 Safe and Appropriate Exit is to determine the number of youth who exited to safe and appropriate destinations as determined by the youth (Head of Household and adult) themselves and as determined by the project/caseworker.

Safe and Appropriate Exits per the RHY Rule [45 CFR 1351] means settings that reflect achievement of the intended purposes of the Basic Center and Transitional Living Programs as outlined in section 382(a) of the Act. Examples of Safe and Appropriate Exits are exits to:

  • Private residence of a parent, guardian, another adult relative, or another adult that has the youth's best interest in mind and can provide a stable arrangement, or
  • Another residential program if the youth's transition to the other residential program is consistent with the youth's needs, or
  • Independent living consistent with the youth's needs and abilities.

Safe and appropriate exits are not exits to:

  • The streets;
  • Locked correctional institute or detention center if the youth became involved in activities that lead to this exit after entering the program;
  • Another residential program if the youth's transition to the other residential program is inconsistent with the youth's needs; or
  • An unknown or unspecified other living situation.

Data Element Type

R19 Safe and Appropriate Exit is a Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Program Specific Data Element and collection is required for Emergency Shelter - Entry Exit and Transitional Housing projects.

Collection Point

Project exit for Head of Household and Adults.

Why It Matters

This element's purpose is to identify the type and amount of counseling received by adults and heads of households enrolled in RHY projects. Supports local system planning and understanding of who is experiencing homelessness.

Data Quality

How to correct: Enter value, if known on Project Exit Assessment. 

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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