Data Elements: R20 Aftercare Plans

Data Element

Aftercare per the RHY Rule [45 CFR 1351] means additional services provided beyond the period of residential stay that offer continuity and supportive follow-up to youth served by the program. Aftercare entries that will be considered are those entered from the date of project exit for a minimum of 3 months after the date of exit. Each client must have at least one Aftercare record entered indicating if aftercare was provided (yes/no/client prefers not to answer). If no aftercare was provided enter the information date as the date of project exit and no to aftercare was provided. For each type of aftercare provided the information date should be the date of the first provision of aftercare service. Then indicate the method of aftercare provision as either:

  • Via email or social media contact
  • Via telephone
  • In person one-on-one contact
  • In person where the youth participated in a group

Data Element Type

R20 Aftercare Plans is a Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Program Specific Data Element and collection is required for Emergency Shelter Entry/Exit, Transitional Housing, and Homelessness Prevention projects.

Collection Point

Post exit for Head of Household and Adults.

Why It Matters

R20 Aftercare Plans identify the extent of aftercare plans executed post-exit from the project.

Data Quality

How to correct: Enter value, if known on client record.

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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