Data Entry: How to Add A New Household Member To An Existing Household

During a household’s time being served by a project, additional members may join a household, such as when a baby is born. There are two separate but equally important steps to take when adding a new member to an existing household's Entry/Exit record. First, the new member must be added to the household on the Households tab. Second, the new member must be added to the existing Entry/Exit record for the household. This article will show HMIS users how to add additional members to a household and to an Entry/Exit record that is already in progress.


Adding a new member to an existing household

 1.      EDA to the provider where the client is entering.

2.      Search for and navigate to the Head of Household's record.

3.      Set Backdate to the date the new household member is joining.

4.      Click the Households tab.

5.      Click Manage Household to edit the existing household.

6.      Click Add/Delete Household Members.

7.       Click the arrow next to Add Clients to the Household.

8.       Fill in the individual’s name, click Search.

9.       If the client appears in the search results, click the green plus sign  to add them to the household. If the client does not    appear in the search results,

10.   Add name data quality, SSN, SSN data quality, and veteran status, click Add New Client with This Information.

11.   Repeat for each individual joining the household, then click Continue.

12.   Complete relationship information for all new household members.

13.   Relationship to Head of Household (1): specify their relationship to the head of household using the drop-down.

Joined Household (2): If in backdate mode, this will automatically be set to the backdate.

14.   Confirm that all Universal Profile information in the new household member's record is correct.

15.   Click Save & Exit.


Adding the new member to the existing project Entry


1.       While in the Head of Household's record, navigate to the Entry/Exit tab.

2.       Click the edit pencil   to the left of the entry record that the new household member(s) are entering. This opens the Edit Project Start Data pop-up window.

3.       Click Include Additional Household Members and select the household member(s) that should be included.

4.      Click Continue.

5.      Check the box for the additional family members to be included.  Click Save & Continue.


6.       At the top of the "Entry/Exit Data" window, click the edit pencil  for the client who just joined the household.


7.       Uncheck all clients except the newly joining client(s).


8.       Change the Project Start Date to the date the new client joined, then click Save & Continue.

9.      Review and confirm that each client has a project start date that is accurate for them.


10.   Click the new client’s name on the list of members and complete applicable assessment questions.


11.   Once all assessment questions have been answered for the newly joining client, click Save & Exit.




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