Data Entry: How to Record a Program Exit

Record the month, day, and year of the last day of occupancy or service. For each client's enrollment in a project, there should only be one Project Exit Date. Each individual client in a household will have their own Project Exit Date. If one member of a household leaves the project before the rest of the household, the leaver's exit date should reflect the actual day that client left the project.

Exit date

Per FY2024 Data Standards Manual

Site-based residential projects and Entry-Exit emergency shelters: The last day of continuous stay in the project before the client transfers to another residential project or otherwise stops residing in the project.

Night-by-Night Emergency Shelters: The day after the last bed night recorded.

Tenant-based permanent housing projects: The last day the client receives rental assistance or supportive services (RRH) or is provided rental assistance (tenant-based PSH, transition-in-place, or other permanent housing).

Non-residential projects: The last day a service was provided or the last date of a period of ongoing service.

A client may be exited upon entering another project type, finding housing, engaging with another outreach project, or passing away. In those cases, the client would be exited as of the date of the last contact recorded in 4.12 Current Living Situation.



Click here to view video: How to Record a Project Exit

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