Data Quality: How to Add/Correct Annual Assessment Errors

Projects funded by HUD CoC, ESG, HOPWA, PFS, RHY, VA, and PATH are required to collect “Annual Assessments” from clients enrolled 365+ days in their program once per year (within 30 days of their anniversary date).

  • The date of the Annual Assessment must reflect the date of the data collection which must be no more than 30 days (before or after) of the anniversary date of the Head of Household’s Project Start Date in the program.
  •  Annual assessments are based solely on the Head of Household’s project start date.
  • The annual assessment should update the client record for the Head of household and any other family members at the same time.
  • Even if nothing has changed, an interim (type: Annual Assessment) must still be recorded.


Missing Annual Assessment Review

This error is due to the individual needing an Annual Assessment recorded OR the Annual Assessment was recorded outside the allowable date range OR the Annual Assessment recorded has an Interim Review Type as a “Update”.

  • If you see an error for an adult household member that entered the project on the same day as the Head of Household and does not have an Annual Assessment recorded, update from the Head of Household's client record to include the adult household member in an Annual Assessment review.


Adding an Annual Assessment

Even if nothing has changed, an interim Annual Assessment must still be recorded.

1.       Enter EDA mode to the correct provider and open the Head of Household’s client record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)

2.       Click on the Entry/Exit tab.

3.       Click on the Interims icon to the right of the HUD-CoC entry.

4.       The Interim Reviews popup will appear. Click on Add Interim Review.

5.       If serving a household, be sure to include all applicable household members in the update by checking the boxes.

6.       Complete the Interim Review information.

a.       Entry/Exit Provider and Entry/Exit Type will be pre-populated based on the Entry record.

b.       Interim Review Type: Annual Assessment

c.        Review Date: +/- 30 days of client’s anniversary date based on Project Start Date.

d.       Click on Save & Continue.

7.       Update data elements (for each household member) on the assessment in the Entry/Exit Interim Review pop-up. If nothing has changed, move to the next step!

8.       Click Save & Exit.

Changing the Review Type

If the Annual Assessment was recorded as an “Update” and it occurred +/- 30 days of the Head of Household’s anniversary date, the type should be changed to reflect “Annual Assessment”.

1.       Enter EDA mode to the correct provider and open the Head of Household’s client record. (Note: No need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)

2.       Click on the Entry/Exit tab.

3.       Click on the Interims icon  to the right of the HUD-CoC entry.

4.       Click on the Edit Pencil   to the left of the interim review that represents the Annual Assessment (just coded incorrectly!).

5.       In the next pop-up, change the Review Type to Annual Assessment.

6.       Click Save & Continue.

7.       Click Save & Exit.

Annual Assessment Recorded Outside +/- 30 Day Window

If an Annual Assessment was recorded outside of the +/- 30 days, first change that Interim Review Type to “Update” to document that a review of the client record occurred, then record an Annual Assessment within 30 days of the client’s Anniversary Date.

  • If there is an error for an adult household member that entered the project on a different day than the Head of Household but does have an Annual Assessment recorded on the same day as the Head of Household, you can ignore this error.
  • If there is an error for an adult household member that entered the project on the same day as the Head of Household and does not have an Annual Assessment recorded, update from the Head of Household's client record to include the adult household member in an Annual Assessment review.

Changing the Review Type and adding an Annual Assessment

1.       Enter EDA mode to the correct provider and open the client’s record. (Note: No need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)

2.       Click on the Entry/Exit tab.

3.       Click on the Interims icon  to the right of the HUD-CoC entry.

4.       Click on the Edit Pencil  to the left of the interim review that represents the households update (just coded incorrectly!).

5.       In the next pop-up, change the Review Type to Update.

6.       Click Save & Continue.

7.       Click Save & Exit.

8.       Then, record an Annual Assessment within 30 days of the client’s Anniversary Date. (Review the steps for Adding an Annual Assessment.)

Review Conflict

There are two scenarios that will cause this error:

1.       Review range straddles the start date of the Prior or Current year prompts. The review may display as missing even though it was recorded within the +/-30 day allowed window.

Example: A review that was recorded on 9/30/2020 and anniversary date is 10/1/2020. Technically the review occurred in the previous year so may be shown as an error on the Data Completeness - Annual Assessments report.

2.       More than one annual review was recorded within the Prior or Current date range.

a.       Determine which is the Annual Assessment and change the other to Update.

Both issues could result in the client not being counted correctly.

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