Data Elements: 4.03 Non-Cash Benefits

Data Element

Client will Indicate whether each head of each household served (including minor heads of their own household) and each adult household member are receiving any of the listed benefits:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Previously known as Food Stamps)
  • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • TANF Childcare services
  • TANF transportation services
  • Other TANF-funded services
  • Other source

Non-Cash Benefits are intended to identify regular, recurrent benefits. Services and/or gifts such as phone cards and vouchers that are provided by a project to clients during enrollment are fundamentally different and are not considered benefits.

Data Element Type

4.03 Non-Cash Benefits is a Common Program Specific Data Element.

Collection Point

4.03 Non-Cash Benefits information is collected at Project Start for the Head of Household and adults in the household. The information is entered in the Non-Cash Benefits HUD Table on the Project Start Assessment.

A Non-Cash Benefit record must be updated at any time during a project stay if there is a change in benefits. A Non-Cash Benefit record must be part of an annual assessment for clients participating in a project for one year or more, even if there is no change in either the income or sources.

Why It Matters

This information is used to determine whether households are accessing all mainstream program benefits for which they are eligible at the time of project start and to allow for analyzing changes in the composition of non-cash benefits between project start and exit.

Data Quality

The Data Quality Performance Scorecard looks at the following and flags as an error if:

  • Gateway response is missing, mismatch or Data Not Collected.
  • Source entries are missing, there are multiple open entries for the same source, or response is Data Not Collected, Receiving is blank, or Unidentified.

To correct: enter value, if known on the Project Start Assessment, Project Exit Assessment, or Interim Assessment.

* 2024 HUD Data Standards



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