Data Entry: Data Entry in Non-Cash Benefits HUD Table

Why is this data collected

Collecting information from clients about Health Insurance, Income and Sources, and Non-Cash Benefits helps providers determine whether clients are accessing benefits for which they are eligible. Does a client have health insurance coverage, a source of income, or any non-cash benefits? If not, a provider can use the clients HMIS data to identify the need for any of these resources and work with the client to help them access them. Data entry for Health Insurance, Disabling Conditions, Income and Sources, and Non-Cash Benefits are entered into HMIS in sections that include a Yes/No question and a corresponding HUD Verification Table or HUD Table, where specific types of Health Insurance, Disabling Conditions, Income, and Non-Cash Benefits are indicated.

Non-Cash benefit information is collected to determine whether households are accessing all mainstream program benefits for which they are eligible at the time of project start and to allow for analyzing changes in the composition of non-cash benefits between project start and exit.

Per FY2024 Data Standards Manual

When is this data collected

To determine whether households are accessing all mainstream program benefits for which they are eligible at the time of project start and to allow for analyzing changes in the composition of non-cash benefits between project start and exit. A Non-Cash Benefits record must be created at any time during a project stay if non-cash benefits change. This would include the situation when a minor child enters or leaves the household and the non-cash benefits received by the household change as a result. A Non-Cash Benefits record must be created as part of an annual assessment for clients participating in a project for one year or more, even if there is no change in benefits.

Per FY2024 Data Standards Manual


When filling out HUD Verification tables for health insurance, income, and non-cash benefits the individual sources do not include Client doesn't know or Client prefers not to answer selections. If the client doesn't know or prefers not to answer all sources/types, the gateway should indicate the appropriate answer and the sources should be left blank. This is only if it applies to all sources/types of that specific category and is a very specific and rare scenario that should not occur often and does not apply to disabling conditions. Please reach out to the help desk if you encounter an abnormal situation, you're unsure how to record. 


Click here to view video: Data Entry in Non-Cash Benefits HUD Table

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