Data Elements: 4.02 Income and Sources

Data Element

Client will report on whether each head of household served (including minor heads of their own household) and each adult household member have income and the sources of that income. Sources include:

  1. Alimony or Other Spousal Support (HUD)
  2. TANF (HUD)
  3. Child Support (HUD)
  4. Earned Income (HUD)
  5. General Assistance (HUD)
  6. Pension or retirement income from another job (HUD)
  7. Private Disability Insurance (HUD)
  8. SSDI (HUD)
  9. SSI (HUD)
  10. Retirement Income from Social Security (HUD)
  11. Unemployment Insurance (HUD)
  12. VA (Veterans Affairs) Service-Connected Disability Compensation (HUD)
  13. VA Non-Service-Connected Disability Pension (HUD)
  14. Worker's Compensation (HUD)
  15. Other (HUD)

The Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend and dividends from Alaska Native Regional Corporations are considered income and should be recorded as Other Income.

Data Element Type

4.02 Income and Sources is a Common Program Specific Data Element.

Collection Point

4.02 Income and Sources are collected at Project Start for the Head of Household and adults in the household. The information is entered in the Income and Sources HUD Table on the Project Start Assessment.

An Income and Sources record must be updated at any time during a project stay if income or sources change. An Income and Sources record must be part of an annual assessment for clients participating in a project for one year or more, even if there is no change in either the income or sources.

Why It Matters

Collecting Income and Sources information throughout a project stay supports plans to link clients with all income sources and benefits for which they are eligible.

Increase in income is a key performance measure of most federal partner programs. Collecting income information throughout a project stay helps CoCs (Continuum of Care) improve system design and partnerships by analyzing cross-systems connections to ensure access to additional income sources. Achievement of quick and stable housing is assessed by measuring length of time homeless (#1), employment and income growth (#4), and placement when people exit the homelessness system (#7).

Data Quality

The Data Quality Performance Scorecard looks at the following and flags as an error if:

  • Gateway response is missing, mismatch or Data Not Collected.
  • Source entries are missing, there are multiple open entries for the same source, or response is Data Not Collected, Receiving is blank, or response is Yes without an amount or No with an amount.
  • Total Income is missing or is unequal to sum of sources.

To correct: enter value, if known on Project Start Assessment, Interim Assessment and Project Exit Assessment.

* 2024 HUD Data Standards

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