Data Elements: 3.12 Destination

Data Element

Destination is where a client will stay just after exiting a project for purposes of tracking and outcome measurement. Select the ‘Destination’ that most closely matches where the client will be staying after exiting the project. The FY2024 Data Standards has added a new question to identify the specific subsidy if the Rental by client, with ongoing housing is selected.

Use of Other as a Destination is VERY much discouraged. It has a significant negative impact on federal reports (SPM - System Performance Measures, LSA - Longitudinal Systems Analysis), and contributes to an inability to evaluate client or program outcomes, and helps your community learn which interventions are more successful in different client situations. Other selections with a specified Destination should be updated to the value from the list provided that best fits their situation (exact match is NOT necessary, just the closest approximation)

Destination information is required for ALL CLIENTS on EVERY ENROLLMENT WITH AN EXIT DATE.

Data Element Type

3.12 Destination is a Universal Data Element (HUD).

Collection Point

3.12 Destination collected at project exit and is entered in HMIS (Homeless Management Information Systems) as part of the Project Exit process. 

Why It Matters

Destination affects the annual System Performance Measures #2 Return to Homelessness and #7 Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in or Retention of Permanent Housing. Destination is critical for outcome measurement. Projects that delay entry of intake or exit data can cause inaccurate results and inconsistencies when the measures are run year after year. Use of “Other” as a Destination is VERY much discouraged. It has a significant negative impact on federal reports (SPM, LSA), and contributes to an inability to evaluate client or program outcomes.

Data Quality

This data element will be flagged on the Data Completeness Report if the Project Exit Date was entered before the date had occurred.

The Shelter Exits Needed Report identifies clients who need to be exited from the shelter project because they have not been at the shelter for an identified number of days.

The Street Outreach Status Report identifies clients that need to be exited from Street Outreach projects for no contact in 90 days.

To correct, enter value, if known OR update Other to the best approximate value from the provided list on the Project Exit Assessment.

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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