Data Elements: Alaska Native Regional Corporations

Data Element

Clients' self-identification of affiliation with up to two of the 13 Alaska Native Regional Corporations:

  • Ahtna, Incorp.                                                   
  • Aleut Corp.
  • Arctic Slope Regional Corp. (ASRC)                              
  • Bering Straits Native Corp.
  • Bristol Bay Native Corp.                               
  • Calista Corp
  • Chugach Alaska Corp.                                              
  • Cook Inlet Regional, Incorp.
  • Doyon, Limited                                                               
  • Koniag, Incorp.
  • NANA Regional Corp. (NANA)                                      
  • Sealaska Corp.
  • The 13th Regional Corp.

These 13 Native-owned corporations provide stewardship of ancestral lands and financial and other resources for Alaska's native people.

Data Element Type

Alaska Native Regional Corporations is an Alaska Specific Data Element.

Collection Point

Alaska Native Regional Corporations is collected at Project Start and is recorded on the Project Start Assessment.

Why It Matters

Supports local system planning and understanding of who is experiencing homelessness and supports connection of clients to available resources.

Data Quality

On the Data Completeness Report the Alaska Native Regional Corporation will be flagged as an error if it is missing or if response is Data Not Collected. To correct: enter value on Entry Assessment, if known.


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