HMIS 101: What Are Alaska Specific Data Elements?

Collection of the Alaska-Specific UDEs (AK UDEs) is required for all projects, regardless of funding source.

The AK UDEs were designed by the Alaska CoCs to collect information important to Alaska-specific organizations that provide funding for programs that address Alaska-specific issues. The AK UDEs enable the collection of the information necessary to fulfill the reporting requirements of these funders, so that homeless services providers can continue to receive this funding.





One or More Value(s) Per Project Stay for a Client

Must be collected or reviewed/updated upon EVERY project stay.








Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (AMHTA)-Specific Disabilities

To indicate clients' self-identification of one or more of five different mental health-related disabilities:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
  • Chronic Alcoholism or Other Substance Use Disorder
  • Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
  • Mental Illness
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority is a state corporation that administers the Alaska Mental Health Trust, a perpetual trust, to improve the lives of beneficiaries.

Collection of information related to the disabilities that the Trust funds is critical to preserve the availability of this funding stream.

Alaska Native Regional Corporation

To indicate clients' self-identification of affiliation with one of the 13 Alaska Native Regional Corporations:

  • Ahtna Corp.                    
  • Aleut Corp.                     
  • Arctic Slope Regional Corp.
  • Bering Straits Native Corp.                                    
  • Bristol Bay Native Corp. 
  • Calista Corp.
  • Chugach Alaska Corp.     
  • Cook Inlet Regional Corp.                                      
  • Doyon Limited Corp.
  • Koniag Incorp.                
  • NANA Regional Corp.     
  • Sealaska
  • 13th Regional Corp.

These Native-owned corporations provide stewardship of ancestral lands and financial and other resources for Alaska's native people.

Sexual/Relationship Orientation

To indicate client’s Self-identified sexual orientation and optional additional sexual or relationship orientation data is collected for all adults and heads of households at project start, with two fields available for responses. See article  Alaska Specific Data Element:  Sexual Orientation & AK Sexual/Relationship Orientation (ASO)



New Alaska-Specific Data Elements

Any new Alaska Specific Data Elements must be approved by the AK CoCs and AKHMIS (Alaska Homeless Management Information System) Advisory Board.


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