Data Collection: Alaska Specific Data Element - AMHT Disabilities

Project-level data: Must be collected or reviewed/updated upon EVERY project stay.

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (AMHTA) is a state corporation that administers the Alaska Mental Health Trust (AMHT), a perpetual trust, to improve the lives of beneficiaries. The Trust operates much like a private foundation, using it's resources to ensure that Alaska has a comprehensive integrated mental health program. The Trust also works in prevention and early intervention services for individuals at risk of becoming beneficiaries. The Trust considers prevention of these conditions, where possible, to be part of its mandate.

Beneficiaries of the Trust include the following broad groups of Alaskans with:

  •          Mental illness
  •          Developmental disabilities
  •          Chronic alcohol or drug addiction
  •          Alzheimer disease and related dementia
  •          Traumatic brain injuries

Click here to read the statutory definition of beneficiaries.

Collection Standards

At project start and for each AMHT disabling condition, a client is asked if they are an AMHT Beneficiary. No documentation is required to verify a clients response in AKHMIS.

Data Element ID


Implementation Date

August 27, 2018

Data Element Name

AMHT Disabling Conditions

Data Required For

All Clients

Data Collection Point

Project Start

Interim/Update as necessary to reflect any change(s)

Field 1-5 Response Options & Instructions

Select from the following options when entering into AKHMIS for each of Fields 1-5:


Use when client responds yes.


Use when client responds no.

Client doesn't know

Use when client does not know an answer.

Client prefers not to answer

Use when client refuses to provide an answer.

Data not collected

Use when client was not asked the question.

Field 1

Alzheimers Disease And Related Dementias

Client is asked if they have Alzheimers Disease or Related Dementias:

   Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type; multi-infarct dementia; senile dementia; and pre-senile dementia.

Field 2

Chronic Alcoholism or other Substance Use Disorder

Client is asked if they have a Chronic Alcoholism or other Substance Use Disorder:

   Alcohol withdrawal delirium (delirium tremens); alcohol hallucinosis; alcohol amnestic disorder; dementia associated with alcoholism; alcohol-induced organic mental disorder; alcoholic depressive disorder.

Field 3

Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities

Client is asked if they have an Intellectual or Developmental disability:

   Cerebral palsy; epilepsy; intellectual developmental disorder; autism; severe organic brain impairment; significant developmental delay during early childhood indicating risk of developing an intellectual and/or developmental disorder.

Field 4

Mental Illness

Client is asked if they have any mental illness:

   Schizophrenia; delusional (paranoid) disorder; mood disorders; anxiety disorders; Somatic symptom disorder; organic mental disorders; personality disorders; dissociative disorders; other psychotic or severe and persistent mental disorders manifested by behavioral changes and symptoms of comparable severity to those manifested by persons with mental disorders listed in this subsection; and persons who have been diagnosed by a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or physician licensed to practice medicine in the state and, as a result of the diagnosis, have been determined to have a childhood disorder manifested by behaviors or symptoms suggesting risk of developing a mental disorder.

Field 5

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Client is asked if they have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) potentially resulting from one or more of the following information below from

   Falls from a bed/ladder/ in the bath/ or down stairs or other similar event are the most common cause, particularly in older adults and young children. Collisions involving cars, motorcycles or bicycles and pedestrians involved in such accidents. Gunshot wounds, domestic violence, child abuse and other assaults. Shaken baby syndrome in infants caused by violent shaking. Penetrating wounds, severe blows to the head with shrapnel or debris, and falls or bodily collisions with objects following a blast. May be caused by injuries from a number of sports, including soccer, boxing, football, baseball, lacrosse, skateboarding, hockey, and other high-impact or extreme sports; these are particularly common in youth. Explosive blasts are a common cause of traumatic brain injury in active-duty military personnel.

Field 6

Start Date*

Enter the date the information was collected.

Field 7

End Date

Always leave blank on a new record.


If a prior record exists that needed updating, add an End Date to the prior record, setting it to the day before Start Date of the new record, to close out the prior record.

AKHMIS DATA ENTRY NOTE: If a record for AMHT Disabling Conditions exists in AKHMIS for a client and the record has complete and current data (does not contain any responses of Client doesn't know/ Client prefers not to answer/ Data not collected and matches a client's current responses) a new record does not need to be added. If a record exists but a client's responses have changed, a new record needs to be added to record a client's new responses along with the date the information was collected.


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