Data Collection: Alaska Specific Data Element - AK Native Regional Corporation Affiliation

Project-level data: Must be collected or reviewed/updated upon EVERY project stay.

The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) created thirteen Alaska Native Regional Corporations. These Alaska Native-owned corporations provide stewardship of ancestral lands and of financial and other resources for Alaska's Native peoples.

Collection Standards

Clients are asked if they are affiliated with an Alaska Native Regional Corporation at project start, with two fields available for responses. No documentation is required to verify a client's response in AKHMIS.

Data Element ID


Implementation Date

August 27, 2018

Data Element Name

Alaska Native Regional Corporation

Data Required For

All Clients

Data Collection Point

Project Start

Field 1

Primary Alaska Native Regional Corporation

Client is asked if they are affiliated with an Alaska Native Regional Corporation.

Field 1 Response Options & Instructions

Ahtna Corp.

Select the corresponding option at left if client identifies an Alaska Native Regional Corporation affiliation.

Continue to Field 2 Secondary Corporation.

Aleut Corp.

Arctic Slope Regional Corp.

Bering Straits Native Corp.

Bristol Bay Native Corp.

Calista Corp.

Chugach Alaska Corp.

Cook Inlet Regional Corp.

Doyon Limited Corp.

Koniag Incorp

NANA Regional Corp.


13th Regional Corp.

Client doesn't know

Use when client does not know if they have an Alaska Native Regional Corporation affiliation.

Skip Field 2 Secondary Corporation.

Client prefers not to answer

Use when client prefers not to provide an answer to the question.

Skip Field 2 Secondary Corporation.

Data not collected

Use when client was not asked the question.

Skip Field 2 Secondary Corporation.

Not Affiliated

Use when client does not have an affiliation.

Skip Field 2 Secondary Corporation.

Field 2 Dependent (Optional)

Secondary Corporation

If a client indicated a Primary affiliation, client is asked if they have a secondary affiliation.


Leave blank if response is not a second affiliation.

Field 2 Response Options & Instructions

Ahtna Corp.

Select the corresponding option at left if client identifies a second Alaska Native Regional Corporation affiliation.


Any other response, leave this blank.

Never enter any of the following into Secondary Corporation:

Client doesn't know

Client prefers not to answer

Data not collected

Not Affiliated

Aleut Corp.

Arctic Slope Regional Corp.

Bering Straits Native Corp.

Bristol Bay Native Corp.

Calista Corp.

Chugach Alaska Corp.

Cook Inlet Regional Corp.

Doyon Limited Corp.

Koniag Incorp

NANA Regional Corp.


13th Regional Corp.


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