Data Elements: 3.07 Veteran Status
Data Element
Indicates whether a client has ever spent time in the United States Armed Forces and may be eligible for U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Homeless Programs. Collecting this information allows for an accurate count of how many Veterans experience homelessness.
Data Element Type
3.07 Veteran Status is a Universal Data Element (HUD).
Collection Point
The 3.07 Veteran Status is collected at project entry and is entered when a client record is created in HMIS (Homeless Management Information System).
Why It Matters
Veteran Status is useful for screening for possible housing/service interventions and for understanding veterans’ service needs. Veteran Status supports an accurate count of how many veterans experience homelessness in our community.
Data Quality
The Data Completeness Report looks to see if the answer is missing and for individuals under 18, it looks to see that the answer is no. This will be flagged if missing / Data Not Collected OR if a value other than “No” exists for a minor.
To correct: enter value, if known OR update to “No” for a minor in the Client Profile > Client Record.