Data Entry: How to Record Client Demographics


Universal Data Elements

The Universal Data Elements or UDEs are the baseline data required for all HMIS participating providers to collect from clients. Each question must be asked, and a client must be given the opportunity to respond to each question. Do not assume to know the answers to any of the questions. A clients inability or refusal to answer any of these questions should not prevent them from receiving services. If a client prefers not to answer or doesn't know the answer, Client Prefers Not to Answer and Client Doesn't Know are valid responses to select in HMIS. Most questions also have the option "Data not collected" which is only used when the client has not been asked the question. A response of "Data not collected" is considered missing data, which is a data error. 


Client Demographics

All demographics data entry fields should be answered based on information the client provides. Do not make assumptions about a persons race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

If your client identifies with more than one of these race and ethnicity categories, select all the answers that apply. 

If your client identifies with more than one of these gender categories, select all the answers that apply. If the identified

Sexual Orientation should be answered for Adults and Heads of Household only. Make a selection based on the information given.

The second Sexual Orientation question must only be answered if the answer to the first question is Other, or if the client mentions an additional Sexual Orientation that is not included in the first question. 

Review the information in the client record and update if applicable.



Click to view the video: How to Record Client Demographics


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