Data Elements: 3.06 Gender

Data Element

The client self-identifies with one or more of the gender categories. HMIS (Homeless Management Information Systems) options for Gender are:

  • Woman (Girl, if child)
  • Man (Boy, if child)
  • Culturally Specific Identity (e.g., Two-Spirit)
  • Transgender
  • Non-Binary
  • Questioning
  • Different Identity
  • Client doesn't know
  • Client prefers not to answer
  • Data not collected

Record the self-reported gender of each client served. When enrolling a client who already has a record in the HMIS, verify that gender information is complete and accurately reflects how the client identifies, and correct if it does not. Gender identity is a person’s internal perception of themselves and may not match the sex they were assigned at birth. This element records one’s gender identity and not sex assigned at birth.

Data Element Type

3.06 Gender is a Universal Data Element (HUD).

Collection Point

3.06 Gender is collected at project entry and is entered when a client record is created in HMIS.

Why It Matters

Gender supports system planning, and local and national understanding of who is experiencing homelessness.

Data Quality

The Data Completeness Report looks for missing information and will flag as an error if information is missing or the response is Data Not Collected.

To correct: enter value, if known, on the Project Entry Assessment. 

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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