Data Elements: 3.20 Housing Move-in Date

Data Element

Housing move-in date is the date the household moved into permanent housing. “Move-in” means the client has a key or entry ability to the unit, and that the client has physically slept in the unit. This date may or may not align with the lease date or the Project Start Date.

Housing Move-in Date must be a date occurring on or between the Project Start Date and Project Exit Date. There can be only one ‘Housing Move-in Date’ per enrollment. Once a ‘Housing Move-In Date’ has been recorded for an enrollment, it must not be removed from the client's record, even if they subsequently lose that housing situation.

Data Element Type

3.20 Housing Move-In Date is a Universal Data Elements and applies to all programs with permanent housing projects.

Collection Point

3.20 Housing Move-In Date is collected for the date the household moved into Permanent Housing.

Why It Matters

This date is critical to Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) counts as it differentiates households which have already moved into permanent housing from households which are enrolled in a Permanent Housing project but are still experiencing literal homelessness (in Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, Transitional Housing, or on the street) as they prepare to move into an available unit.

For the HIC and other point-in-time reporting purposes, households with a Project Start Date which do not have a Housing Move-In Date at the point of the report must be excluded from counts of persons in permanent housing.

Data Quality

The Data Completeness Report looks to see if the housing move-in date is between the project start date and project exit date. It is flagged as an error if the Move-in Date is before the Project Start Date OR after the Project Exit Date.

To correct: remove date (if no HMI) OR enter a valid date on Project Start Assessment or Interim Assessment.

If a client vacates or loses housing, staff should exit the client from the project with an accurate Project Exit date and Destination and create a new Project Start date in a new enrollment for the client on the same or following day. If the client moves directly from one unit into another unit, with no days of homelessness in between, it is not necessary to exit and re-enter them because their housing move in date would still be accurate for the day the client entered permanent housing.

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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