Data Elements: 3.03 Date of Birth (DoB) & DoB Data Quality

Data Element

3.03 Date of Birth is used to calculate the age of persons served at a project or at any point during the project enrollment and to support the unique identification of each person served. It also affects the designation of household type . Record the month, day, and year of birth for every person served. When enrolling a client who already has a record in the HMIS (Homeless Management Information Systems), verify that the ‘Date of Birth’ is accurate and complete and correct it if it is not.

Data Element Type

3.03 Date of Birth (DoB) & DoB Data Quality are Universal Data Elements (HUD).

Collection Point

The 3.03 Date of Birth (DoB) & DoB Data Quality are collected at project entry and is entered when a client record is created in HMIS. This should be updated if additional information is collected or if it needs to be corrected.

Why It Matters

If missing or incorrect it may hinder a youth from receiving services in a youth program.

If a client’s date of birth is missing, it affects the unique identification of each person served. Without that information, the client information will not be included in Federal Reports – age is used to identify what information should be collected.

Data Quality

The Data Completeness Report combines the Date of Birth (DoB) and DoB Data Quality (DoB DQ) fields into one column with red font flagging records with missing information and other colors flagging mismatches between this enrollment and previous enrollments in the client’s record.

To correct: Enter value, if known OR update record from the Project Entry Assessment.

* 2024 HUD Data Standards


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