Quarterly Data Quality Submissions

Performance Scorecard Instructions

Use this guide for submitting the Quarterly Data Quality – Performance Scorecard to the HMIS Lead Agency.

Data Quality Performance Scorecard

AKHMIS-participating organizations will submit a Data Quality Performance Scorecard (DQPS) to the HMIS Lead Agency every quarter in a timely manner. The report period will be the previous three complete months and the scope will be all projects within an AKHMIS-participating organization that were operating and entering data into AKHMIS during the report period.

If an AKHMIS-participating organization has a project that does not meet data quality standards, the organization will provide an explanation and will work with the HMIS Lead Agency to correct data within an agreed-upon timeframe. Additional terms may be added at the discretion of the organization’s AK CoC and are subject to change at any time upon approval by the organization’s AK CoC.


Review current data – each month.

  • Run the Data Quality Performance Scorecard
  • Run the data completeness report
  • Make any necessary corrections
  • Wait until the nightly refresh is done to see changes in the report.
  • Run updated reports and repeat steps 3 and 4 until all corrections have been completed.

Quarterly Submission

You will receive an email with link(s) to the Data Quality Scorecard Submission 

Run the Data Quality Performance Scorecard for the organization for the period identified in the Data Quality Scorecard Submission email.

Click on the link entitled “Click here to submit!” provided in the Data Quality Scorecard Submission email.

The Shared Org View for your organization should appear on your screen.If the information is not correct, contact the AKHMIS Help Desk to request corrections.

Submit a form for each project.

  1. Click Submit Score button for the project.
  2. Complete the New Data Submission form 
    1. Submitter Email Address – enter your email address.
    2. No Active Clients This Quarter – Check this box if you have no scores for a project in your scorecard. This will bypass the Data Completeness category.
  3. Data Completeness- this information is found on the Data Completeness Scores tab of the scorecard for Enrollments Meeting Standard.
    1. 1) UDE/AKSDE/DV/HUD Data Percent – enter percentage found on the scorecard for the project.
      NOTE: If the percentage is below the Data Completeness Standard for the project type, you will need to add an explanation of why the project is not meeting the standard and what action is being taken to correct.
    2. Annual Assessments N/A - check box if the scorecard reads N/A or tab to next box.
    3. 2) Annual Assessment Percent – enter percentage found on the scorecard for the project.
      NOTE: If the percentage is below the Data Completeness Standard for the project type, you will need to add an explanation of why the project is not meeting the standard and what action is being taken to correct.

           d. Unscored 
                  1) Housing Move In Date- this information is found on the Data Completeness Scores tab of the scorecard for Unscored.
                        A) HMID N/A - check box if the scorecard reads N/A.
                        B) 3) Percent of Enrollments without HMID – enter percentage found in column Unscored – Percent of Enrollments w/o HMID.

    4. Entry/Exit Timeliness – this information is found on the Data Timeliness Scores tab of the scorecard.
           a. No Entry Timeliness Scores This Quarter – Check box if the scorecard reads N/A.
           b. Entry Record Timeliness – enter percentage found in Section Entry Records column Percent Meeting Standard.
               NOTE: If the percentage is below the Data Timeliness Standard, you will need to add an explanation of why the project is not meeting the standard and what action is being taken to correct. 
           c. No Exit Timeliness Scores This Quarter – Check box if the scorecard reads N/A.
           d. Exit Record Timeliness – enter percentage found in Section Exit Records column Percent Meeting Standard.
               NOTE: If the percentage is below the Data Timeliness Standard, you will need to add an explanation of why the project is not meeting the standard and what action is being taken to correct.

  5. Please add any additional information here.
         a. If the project has any scores below the Data Quality Standards you will need to provide an explanation of why the project is not meeting the standard and what action is being taken to correct.

  6. Please upload a copy of your Scorecard Report.
         a. You can either drag a copy of your Data Quality Performance Scorecard file to the box 


         b. Click browse – find the file and click on it.
         c. Click Open.
         d. Click Upload 1 file

  7. Review information and make any necessary corrections.

  8. Once all the information is complete and correct, click Submit Scores.

       a. You should receive this message in a new tab if the submission was successful. 

                               You have successfully submitted scorecard data for this project!
                        You can close out this window. If you are submitting for multiple projects,
                                        please return to your list of projects to select another.

  9. Click on the Airtable – Shared or View tab to return the list of projects and click the refresh button. You should see the scores and a green check box in the Submitted column for the Project which                 indicates a successful submission.

  10. Complete Steps 1-4 in this section (Submit a form for each project) for each project on your list.

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