Reporting: Data Quality Performance Scorecard Flag Guide

Data Completeness Scores

This table is a provider-level “report card” evaluating if enrollments active during the report period meet the data quality standards established in the AKHMIS Data Quality Plan.

The table provides a count and percentage of enrollments that meet overall data quality standards as well as a count of enrollments that are below the standard for each “component”: Universal Data Elements (UDE) + Alaska-Specific UDEs (AKSDE), HUD Verification data, Domestic Violence questions, and Annual Assessments.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Differences in required data elements by program / provider have already been accounted for and are scored only on the elements required of the project.




Indicates element is not scored for the listed provider.


Indicates the provider should not have any enrollments. The Clients Active in Period report can be used to identify and move the enrollments to the appropriate project.


These numbers represent active enrollments that DO NOT have a housing move-in date (HMID) or have an incorrect HMID (outside the project start/end dates). The lower these numbers the better.

This is not a scored component and it is expected that not all enrollments will always have an HMID. The purpose is to remind program staff to update HMIS enrollments with HMIDs that have occurred after project start.

Data Timeliness Scores

This table is a provider-level “report card” evaluating if enrollment entered or exited during the report period meets the data timeliness standards established in the AKHMIS Data Quality Plan.

The table provides a count and percentage of enrollments that meet data timeliness standard for that project type. Data timeliness cannot be retroactively corrected, only improved on in future enrollments.

Enrollments evaluated on this tab were either added or exited during the report period. These enrollments may be different than the enrollments evaluated on the Data Completeness tab.

Exit timeliness is based upon the # of days between a Project Exit Date and the date an enrollment was last updated/edited. As there is no data element specific to the addition of the exit date, the 'date updated' is used as the closest proxy. In a small number of enrollments, exit timeliness may be skewed if any enrollments are edited after exit (such as a change to destination/reason) because the "date updated" used in comparison reflects this later date instead.




Indicates the provider should not have any enrollments. The Clients Active in Period report can be used to identify and move the enrollments to the appropriate project.


DV Error Details

This table displays enrollment records with data completeness issues in the Domestic Violence Victim/Survivor question set.

The records reflected on this tab should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Records with no issues in the DV question set will not be displayed.




DV History

Data not collected / Missing

Indicates a data not collected answer or no answer was recorded in the initial domestic violence question. Without a valid response the subsequent questions cannot be evaluated.

If Yes
Fleeing / When

Data not collected / Missing

These questions are only evaluated for completeness if there is a yes answer in the first question. If there is a history of DV, these questions are required. Any data not collected or missing answers are flagged for review.

HUD Verification Errors/Warnings

The Data Accuracy - HUD Verification Errors/Warnings Report looks at each active client enrollment (open at any point) during the report period and analyzes the HUD Verification data in those records as of the Project Start Date and Project Exit Date (if exited).

The report highlights when issues are found in the data to assist users in correcting client records by displaying codes to indicate Errors (missing or conflicting data that need updating) and Review Items (data that should be updated if possible).

HUD Verification Data

HUD Verification Categories: Health Insurance, Disabling Conditions, Income & Sources, and Non-Cash Benefits.

Each HUD Verification category includes a gateway question and a sub assessment table with details on applicable types/sources.

  • Gateway = The general Yes/No question that appears above a HUD Verification sub assessment table
  • Types/Sources = Each row of specific information in the sub assessment table

Possible Errors/Review Items in Report






Health Insurance



Non-Cash Benefits

Gateway Missing

Gateway Missing

Gateway Missing

Gateway Missing

Gateway DNC

Gateway DNC

Gateway DNC

Gateway DNC

Gateway Mismatch

Gateway Mismatch

Gateway Mismatch

Gateway Mismatch

Type Missing

Type Missing

Source Missing

Source Missing

Type DNC

Type DNC

Source DNC

Source DNC

Type Duplicate

Type Duplicate

Source Duplicate

Source Duplicate

 Type Unidentified

Type Unidentified

Source Unknown

 Source Unidentified

Type Covered Y/N Blank

Type Determination Blank

Source Receiving Blank

Source Receiving Blank



Source Yes w/o Amount


Source No w/Amount

Total Income Missing

Total Income Unequal to Sum of Sources


Gateway DKR

Gateway DKR

Gateway DKNA

Gateway DKNA


Type DKR

Source Duplicate (Other Income)

Source Duplicate (Other NonCash)


Source Duplicate (Earned Income)





Gateway Missing

No response in gateway question

Gateway DNC

Answer in Gateway is Data Not Collected

Gateway Mismatch

Answer in Gateway does not match open record responses in HUD Table.

Type/Source Missing

A required Type/Source has no open record

Type/Source DNC

An open record for a Type/Source response is “Data not collected” (DNC)

Type/Source Duplicate

More than one record of the same Type/Source is open

Type/Source Unidentified

An open record with a response of “Yes” has no Type/Source listed or the Type/Source is outdated

Source Unknown

An open record has a Source that is no longer an option.

Type Covered Y/N Blank

An open record has no response to Type Covered Y/N

Type Determination Blank

An open record has no response to Type Determination

Source Receiving Blank

An open record has no response to Source Receiving

Source Yes w/o Amount

A n open record has a “Yes” response to Source Receiving but no amount is listed 

Source No w/Amount

A n open record has a “No” response to Source Receiving but an amount is listed 

Total Income Missing

No amount listed in the Total Monthly Income Amount field below the Sources sub assessment table

Total Income Unequal to Sum of Sources

Total Monthly Income Amount (below the Sources sub assessment table) does not match the sum of each income Source (in the table)

Gateway DKNA

Gateway response is “Client doesn’t know” or “Prefers Not to Answer”


An open Type has a response of “Client doesn’t know” or “Prefers Not to Answer”



Source Duplicate (Other Income)

Other Income” Source has two open records with different specified “Other’ answers

Source Duplicate (Earned Income)

“Earned Income” Source (in the table) has two records active at the same time with the same specified

Blue Text

No issues in required data

Bold Text

Error or Review Item in required data

Grey text

Data is from an exit that occurred AFTER the report end date (not scored)

Error = Missing or conflicting data in record (requires review and correction)

Review Item = “Client Doesn’t Know”/“Client Prefers Not To Answer” responses OR duplicate open “Other” or “Earned” Income source records (requires review and may need correction)

All data in that HUD Verification (gateway and table) are correct

Data not required


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