Data Entry: Data Entry in Domestic Violence Information


Why is this data collected

Domestic Violence information is collected to indicate whether the Head of Household and other adults served are survivors of domestic violence. Ascertaining whether a person is a survivor of or fleeing from domestic violence is necessary to provide the person with the appropriate services to prevent further abuse and to treat the physical and psychological injuries from prior abuse. Also, ascertaining that a person may be experiencing domestic violence may be important for the safety of project staff and other clients.

In separate fields, indicate (1) if the client is a survivor of domestic violence, (2) when the experience occurred, and (3) if the client is currently fleeing domestic violence. Verification of domestic violence experience is not required.

FY2024 Data Standards Manual


When is this data collected

Domestic Violence records created at the project start are to reflect the information as of the date of project start. 'Information Date' for those records must reflect the date of project start. A Domestic Violence record must be created at any time during a project stay if a client's domestic violence status changes. 'Information Date' for those records must reflect the date of the data collection.

FY2024 Data Standards Manual



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