Data Entry: How to Enter Moving On (C2) Assistance Services

This visual guide explains how to enter Moving On Assistance Services for CoC-funded PSH projects.

About Moving On (C2)

As part of its strategic priority to end homelessness, HUD encourages communities to explore Moving On strategies in their communities for clients in PSH who may no longer need or want the intensive services offered but continue to need assistance in maintaining their housing.

Moving On strategies challenge a community to create partnerships between the Continuum of Care (CoC) and mainstream housing programs, such as public housing, the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, and HUD-funded multifamily housing providers.

The Moving On (C2) data element is to be collected for the Head of Household and at any point within the project enrollment that the information changes.


Data Entry in HMIS

Set EDA as CoC PSH project > Back Date to date of assistance > Client Summary tab > Click Add Service


Service Type: Basic Needs > Click Save & Continue


 Moving On Assistance: select the applicable type of service > Scroll to the bottom of screen.

Need Status: Closed > Outcome of Need: Fully Met > Click Save & Exit


CoC HMIS Program Manual:

Moving On Strategies:

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