HMIS 101: FY2022 Data Standards Updates
HUD released the new FY2022 HMIS Data Standards which include some updates that will affect AKHMIS end users. Below is a summary of new and updated data elements which became effective 10/01/2021. The complete HUD HMIS Data Standards Manual can be found here: FY2022 HMIS Data Standards Manual_05.2021
Number |
Data Element |
Current response options |
Changes effective October 1st, 2021 (Changes highlighted in yellow) |
Additional information on change |
2.06 |
Funding Sources
Added to the list:
3.04 |
Updated language/wording:
New description: Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the indigenous peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or another Pacific Island.
3.05 |
Updated language/wording:
Data Collection Guidance: This data element can be challenging to separate from ethnicity. Unless the person is from an original people's group that is indigenous or American Indian, in which case they would select that option, the staff will have to ask follow-up questions to ascertain the best response for Race. By the time clients get to data element 3.05 Ethnicity, they may have already responded to Race with something like 'Hispanic,' 'Guatemalan,' or 'Latino,' so staff should be able to clearly distinguish between these two data elements and select responses accordingly, even if the answers are provided out of order. |
3.06 |
Updated options and descriptions,
Able to select as many as apply:
Note that multiple selections are now permitted for this element. Questioning Clients who may be unsure, may be exploring, or may not relate to or identify with a gender identity at this time. Client Doesnt Know is different than Questioning. Questioning is about exploring ones gender identity. A gender that is not singularly Female or Male (e.g., non-binary, genderfluid, agender, culturally specific gender) Clients who live or identify as a gender other than female, a gender other than male, a gender outside the binary, no gender, more than one gender, a culturally specific gender, or a gender that changes over time. |
4.02 |
Income and Sources
Updated description for Earned Income (see right)
Earned income may mean any income that is earned by the client, even if not supported by official documentation of that income. |
4.09 |
Mental Health Disorder
Mental Health Problem |
Updated language/wording: Revised to Mental Health Disorder throughout |
4.1 |
Substance Use Disorder
Substance Abuse |
Updated language/wording: Revised to Substance Use Disorder throughout |
4.2 |
Coordinated Entry - Event
Added to the list:
Referral to emergency assistance/flex fund/furniture assistance Referral to Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Referral to a Housing Stability Voucher |
C1 |
Client perceives their life has value and worth.
Client perceives they have support from others who will listen to problems.
Client perceives they have a tendency to bounce back after hard times.
Clients frequency of feeling nervous, tense, worried, frustrated, or afraid
New data element for HUD CoC-funded Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) |
C2 |
Moving On Assistance Provided
Date of Moving on Assistance____________ (date)
For HUD CoC-funded Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) projects only. Data collected only if Moving On assistance is provided. |
C3 |
Youth Education Status
1. Current school enrollment and attendance
2. Most recent educational status
3. Current Educational Status
New data element for CoC-funded Youth Homeless Demonstration Programs (YHDP) only. |
W1 |
Services Provided - HOPWA
Substance abuse services/treatment |
Updated language/wording:
Substance use disorder services/treatment |
W3 |
Medical Assistance
Added response options/reason dependency for Field 3 "Receiving Ryan White funded Medical or Dental Assistance" Receiving Ryan White funded Medical or Dental Assistance? No Applied; decision pending Applied; client not eligible Client did not apply Insurance type N/A for this client Yes Client doesn't know Client refused Data Not Collected |
New data element for Ryan White-funded Programs. |
W4 |
T-cell (CD4) and Viral Load
Data Collected About: Only Clients funded in a HOPWA project presenting with HIV/AIDS |
Updated Data Collected About to ensure consistency with other HOPWA data elements: All household members with HIV/AIDS |
W6 |
Prescribed Anti-Retroviral
New data element for HOPWA-funded programs
Has the participant been prescribed anti-retroviral drugs? Yes No Client doesn't know Client refused Data not collected |
R7 |
General Health Status
Data element now required for HUD CoC-funded Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Client doesnt know Client refused Data not collected |
New collection requirement of HUD CoC PSH projects. |
R10 |
Pregnancy Status
Data Collected About: "Female Head of Household and Female Adults" |
Updated Data Collected About:
"Head of Household and Adults" |
Removed limitation on collecting this data solely on female participants to reflect that more than just people who identify as female can be pregnant. |
R13 |
Family Critical Issues
Mental Health Issues Alcohol or Substance |
Updated language/wording:
Revised to Mental Health Disorder and Substance Use Disorder language in response options |
V3 |
Financial Assistance
General housing stability assistance - emergency supplies General housing stability assistance - other |
Merged options:
General housing stability assistance Added option:
Food Assistance Reordered list
Merged "General housing stability assistance - emergency supplies" AND "General housing stability assistance - other" TO "General housing stability assistance." |
V7 |
HP Targeting Criteria
Significant element revisions
Fully revised from FY 2020 Version. See 2022 Data Standards for details. |